There is a new memorial for all those from Ashland county who have lost their lives while serving our country. Today 3 more names were added and then Amazing Grace was played on the bagpipes. Canon fire and then a 21 gun salute followed by taps ended a very moving ceremony.

The Ashland cemetery is a beautiful place to enjoy a quiet walk. All the flags were on the graves of men and women who have served our country. How grateful I am for their service and those who serve us today to keep our freedoms and make this a wonderful place to live.I want to send a big thank you out to all our friends and family who have served in the military.

Sunday afternoon Phil and Amanda had a birthday party for Alexis who turned 4 in the beginning of May. They wanted to have a cowgirl party complete with a pony so they asked if they could have it here at the Pines. Sure thing! They had a friend who lent them a pony for the afternoon. It was a lot of fun and it turned out great. All the kiddos seemed to have a blast with the pony, water fun, food and pinata. The adults enjoyed sitting in the shade of the big tree in front and eating, talking and watching all the kids play. Happy Birthday Lexi!
The tables were done in pink and white. The balloons looked so cute with the white and black "cow" ones!
The cousins showed up along with Alexis' friends and other family. Here's Driana, Summer, Anthony and Cameron.

Aggie the pony was a big hit with the birthday girl and all the little tykes that were there. She's a sweet tempered pony and it was a big surprise for Alexis.

A birthday party isn't complete without some gifts. She got some very cute outfits and some fun outdoor water toys.

The party ended with a few whacks of the pinata and candy galore for everyone. They were sent home all sugared up!

Amanda's friend made this really cute cake. It tasted as yummy and it looks.. A fun day was had by all the kiddos, young and old!