Sometimes my blog has these little themes that just jump out at me. Today on this beautiful Easter day, the word "find" and "found" seem to fit the pictures and the feelings I have for this holiday. Everyone knows I love Halloween and Christmas, but I find that I enjoy Easter the most. Growing up it was a big deal in our home. Mom made special Greek foods and usually we celebrated with our Greek relatives so we had 2 Easters every year. We got new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday and growing up Catholic involved many Church traditions. I love the theme of renewal, hope and new life. When family and friends have passed, the knowledge that we will see them again because of what our Savior Jesus Christ has done for us has deeper meaning. I find it hard to believe my kids are all grown up and their children are also getting older. I'm glad they still enjoy getting together and sharing good food, good fun and good traditions that we have passed along. I find it harder to coordinate all the schedules at times, but appreciate the efforts of the kids. They have in-laws and their own homes to do the traditional things too. Thanks for making this day special for Jack and I. Yes, it's a lot of work, but much fun too. This is a long post and I apologize for all the pics and words. I hope you had a great day and I hope you "find" this holiday to be a favorite of yours too.
I think Amy has found having her cousins living out East is like having a mini reunion! I enjoy her family so much. They are really good kids and I'm glad they have let us host them from time to time. Laney and Taylor, we wish you could have come too. Maybe next year?

Katie found a minute to stop and give me a smile before continuing on the hunt for the super egg!

Sophie and her cousin Ike didn't care what was in the eggs, they just enjoyed finding them and opening them up...well, Sophie did enjoy the chocolate that was inside the little kiddo eggs!

We enjoyed having Zeb and his family come down for the Easter festivities. He seemed to find the day to be "egg"stra special.

This year Driana decided she was too old to hunt for eggs, but she got to hide them with the grown up folk. That made her happy, but me sad. I can't believe she's 14. She's a good big Sis to Cameron.

Summer was happy to find that she's still young enough to be included in the egg hunt. She made up the rule that once you're in high school you're done with the hunt part of Easter at YaYa and PawPaw's. Two more years for you Summer!

Are you finding room in your basket for all the eggs Alexis?

Katie was a big help to Alexis when she needed a boost up to find some tricky hidden eggs. You're a good cousin Katie!

Anthony really seemed to enjoy the egg hunt this year. He's getting so old now (8) but he still found it a challenge!

Finding eggs is easier for the youngest group. We put them in a separate spot in the yard from where the older kiddos hunt. Addy has a matching dress (in a different color) with her Sister and she looked the very image of Easter dress up.

Alexis looked so cute in her Easter dress and she always has a camera ready smile for me. She found the egg hunt tiring when she kept looking for the last of her eggs...we found out that we had forgotten 12 eggs that were suppose to be hidden! So after an exhausting search we discovered the mistake and made amends to all.

Cameron seems happy with his Easter egg finds!

Here's Phil wondering what is left from dinner that he can enjoy. I don't think he had any trouble finding plenty of Easter goodies!