Did you have one when you were 14? It's my diary that I had put in a drawer and forgotten about. Many times I was tempted to throw it out. But inside is my 14yr.old self. Also my 15, 16, and 17yr old self. All silly, dorky, embarrassing, awkward self. I was laughing at the boy stories...he likes me..I don't like him...I like/love him..he doesn't know I'm alive...fights with girlfriends...making up with said friends..the excitement of turning (drum roll here) 15!!..seeing Paul Revere and the Raiders in concert for the 3rd time! Ok, so my taste in music was questionable. But also in there was how I was feeling when Robert Kennedy was shot..when my brothers went off to Vietnam and thankfully when they returned. When my nephew was born while his Dad (my oldest brother)was off fighting. When the little boy that lived behind us was killed and how it was the first child funeral I ever attended. So I'm glad I kept that diary. My first attempts at blogging! I have my blogs put in book form and I'm pretty sure I won't be here 43yrs from now to have a conversation with a 57yr old silly, dorky, embarrassing, awkward self, but maybe someone will be sitting on a bed cleaning out a closet and have an old diary, and many blog books and will know who I was and how I tried to live and love and get through this life not being perfect, just trying hard to enjoy it...and hopefully they will have a good laugh too.