Yesterday was a lively and family filled Thanksgiving day. I looked back at other posts I did and realized that they pretty much go the same, family, full bellies and good times. Sometimes we have more folks here and sometimes less. This was a "more" day and we couldn't have been happier. There are those who aren't here in body but thoughts of them are so heartfelt. Jack and I talked about the Thanksgiving dinners we had when his folks were alive. I know he misses them at this time of year so I try and make the traditional foods his Mom made and know I can never make them as good...she was a southern gal who could make the best gravy! But nobody has complained around here so I think all was good! My sister and Mom were planning on coming this weekend but the 6 hour drive seemed a bit too much for Mom this time, so they stayed put and enjoyed the family in Chicago. We talked on the phone and sent videos of everyone to Mom and to our son Craig out in Portland...wait, he wasn't in Portland...the family went to Amy's family in Spokane, Washington. I know they have many traditions that our from Amy's family and then mix them with their own. That's how it's done, I'm sure, in many families all over the country. There's something comforting about things being the same each year. It centers you while the world keeps spinning around. I hope your day was great and time was taken to remember blessings. I'm so grateful for my family and this wonderful country we live in. Happy Thanksgiving.

Turkey and stuffing getting ready for the big day.
Me with no makeup....nuff said.
Post dinner festivities...the blasting of the pumpkins. Sorry neighbors...(not sorry)
Lexi is a darn good shot...and knows gun safety too. Her sister, Addy, says she doesn't like guns at all and hates to even touch one. So we went for a walk.
On our walk I spotted the next door neighbor's pumpkins and wondered how they would feel about donating some for the cause...then reconsidered since the noise may not be their favorite part of the day!
Evelyn went with us and I stopped for a Kodak moment. Can you spot the photo bomber? It's not real, just a cut-out but we had a good laugh about it!
Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours...take a deep breath and enjoy this weekend!