I bet if you've been to Chicago you did not get excited by going to a grocery store. Sorry, I was excited by going to this grocery store. Why? Well, you can't tell by this pic, but it was ginormous! If they didn't carry it, you don't need it. There were so many sections of this store it was mind boggling. Organic, any ethnicity, any cheese, meat...well, here are a few pics to show you. Jack like telling everyone I got kicked out of here. Not true! I was just
Even Mom gets excited by big grocery stores! The apple doesn't fall too far from this tree!
One last example of the fun things you could buy. I took many more pics but now I feel guilty so I'll go on to other things we did.
The whole trip was really about seeing family. We went to my Nephew's daughter's 1st. birthday party.
We met up with my brother Greg and his wife Deidra, here with Mom. My brother just had major bowel surgery 2 weeks ago and I wanted to check up on his recovery. He's doing fabulous! Everything went great and it was wonderful to see him and spend time catching up. Really, we just did alot of visiting with my nieces and nephew and their families and saw their new homes, shopped with Mom at my favorite shopping center. (Donna will know which one!) I was trying to take some pics there but the other camera I had with me quit working. Besides, I didn't want to get thrown out of any more stores...I mean, get asked not to take any more pictures. One of the other reasons I wanted to go home to visit was to see my Sister. She's been having some health issues and prayers will be needed for her. We're not sure what exactly she'll be dealing with until after a biopsy of a lymph node. I'm hoping it's nothing, but the tests results so far have been a little scary. I was glad we had time to talk and laugh and cry and just be together.
We were getting ready to leave this morning and my Sister's dog, Sophie was very sad to see Jack go. He always makes a fuss over her, takes her for extra walks and even get her special treats. I think she looks pathetic here...poor Sophie..he'll be back, I promise!
Since I started this post with a traffic pic, I'll end with one. We headed out early for home this morning. The traffic going to Chicago was bumper to bumper, but as you can see the road to Indiana was empty. That should tell you something about that state. Actually, most of Indiana is lovely and I don't want to offend any Hoosiers out there! I just wish it wasn't between Ohio and my family...It would make these trips so much faster!