The previous post stated we took a road trip this weekend. I hadn't been home since Amy's wedding in October so I was looking forward to seeing family. We had a nice time and of course we laughed and played and ate good food! This house was built by my Dad in 1951. We had a fire when I was 10. Electrical wiring was the culprit..I was home alone with my younger sibs for just a short time while Mom and Dad went to the store. Thankfully I was able to get them all out of the house and no one was hurt. But the house upper floors were rebuilt and an extra bedroom and bathroom were added. Actually it turned out to be a blessing in a scary package! Two bathrooms were heaven sent! My parents raised 6 kids there. It wasn't big at all, but most homes built back then weren't the monuments to themselves that people build today. It's funny how you remember rooms being bigger than they are and I can honestly say I never felt like I was deprived or cramped there. It's amazing how many wonderful memories can be packed into a small space! So it sits and welcomes all who come to visit. No one is ever turned away or leaves hungry in my Mother's home. She is a true hostess with the mostess who believes in the "fishes and loaves" and has proved it many times! I feel very blessed that she's still with us and will celebrate her 85th birthday in May.

After all our junk was unloaded from the car, I took Driana and Summer to the mall for some walking and shopping and people watching. The first thing I had to do was embarrass them with this bear shot. Hey, what good are grandkiddos if you can't bug them a little! They were such good kids. I warned them that it could be dull because I was really there to visit with Mom and I didn't think we'd be going downtown Chicago this trip. They were excited just to take a road trip and they enjoyed the shopping at all the malls and outlets and seeing family. They are great travelers and Mom had fun seeing them and just enjoying their company. The other thing that was funny were all the people who thought they were bugged Dri who is almost 16 because Summie is 12!

Post embarrassing shot.

Taylor's birthday was a couple of weeks ago so he was happy to open his presents from us. I hope he enjoys them! I also gave him back his glasses he left at our house last time they visited..they're not real but for some reason he likes to wear them. Here he is with Amy and Craig..

And Katie and Sophie!

Mom and I took a walk and went by this park. When I was growing up it was all woods. I had many a fine time exploring and playing there. I know the park is now very pretty and has wonderful playground equipment, but somehow I don't think I would trade the adventures I had in what we always called "witches willow" for anything.

It was great to see my brother Greg. He stopped by to get some plants from Mom's yard. She and Midge were thinning out many of the hostas and day lilies that are everywhere...Jack helped him dig and load up the truck and I think he was very glad that he didn't have to help plant all those. Hey, I have a ton of plants that need thinning so come on out and dig away!

When we visit Mommo we always go to church with her and my Sis. I was raised Catholic, but even though I'm not one now, I do enjoy going to the service with them and I know it makes my Mom happy to have us there. Our friend and Mom's former Pastor, Fr. Damien, was doing the service at the church in Westmont. He retired from their church last year and he subs for priests that are on vacation. He is greatly missed by my family. It was fun to see him again. That's my Sis standing next to Mom, we kinda look alike so I thought I'd better clarify!

I may be biased, but my Mom is a babe!

Yep, dead to the world...not only was Summer sleeping with her face buried in a pillow, she had on sunglasses that left a red mark on her forehead...Making fun of Grandkiddos is almost more fun than making fun of your own kiddos!