I don't really let rainy days or Mondays get me down. It was an interesting work day that would only bore you. I mean really, how exciting is a bladder blowing up and almost knocking you over? So I'll move on to the weather. Getting out of work the rain was pouring down and as I walked to my car with some fellow coworkers, I thought of a few things that were good about this weather day. 1)It wasn't snow. 2)It wasn't windy. 3)It was in the 60's. 4)Everyone loved my rendition of "Singing in the Rain". Ok, I lied about that one. I was the only one who liked it. So I won't let this day make me sad...even if it's going to snow tonight and tomorrow. I'll deal with that tomorrow. This pic is my crabapple tree. It's the same tree that is pictured in the header...the header pic was taken exactly one year to the day that I took this pic...not kidding. It's been a loooonnnnngggg winter. My tree proves it.

This weekend I took some time to bake a few things that made the house smell good and thankfully they tasted as good as the house smelled. These little lovelies are called "Blinis"..and the recipe is from Donna (Starkey Hollow)..served with sour cream and raspberry jam..Yum! A cinnamon, sugar delight with cream cheese filling.

I also tried my hand at bread making. Bread and pie crusts are not my thing and I decided I just needed more practice. This recipe is from Sue's mom Darlene...thanks and even though it probably isn't as good as yours Darlene, it tastes great and I'll just keep practicing!
Looks like you did a good job with the bread. I love making bread it is so soothing...but the smiles from my son makes it worth every try. :)
Hmmm, somedays I leave work feeling like someone's bladder blew up on me but that's gov't for you. Lol
Those blinis looks awesome. Are they hard to make?
It's wild how far behind we are this spring. I have pictures of high tulip sprouts from March 16 last year. No where near that high this year....barely peeking out.
yikes the bladder blowing up did the patient live? Your tree is like mine in my header in a holding pattern. You baking looks yummy. I love to bake bread but like you I have a problem with pie crust.
Gee, I haven't made Blinis in a while...made my mouth water just looking at them. Hope tomorrow is better...for BOTH of us!
It sounds wonderful your job! Just what everyone wants - exploding bladders. Nice. Not at all glad I am eating and reading at the same time.....
Does it normally snow in spring?
Good heavens! In spite of my better judgement, you've tweaked my interest with an exploding bladder!
Uncanny the difference in your blossom tree from last year to this year...but you still have it to look forward to, this way!
You were busy in your kitchen, weren't you. Both bakes look yum!
My mom will be so thrilled when she sees that you tried her bread! Good for you!!
PS. Those blinis look out of this world.
Yes, a long winter! We'll be looking forward to summer when spring arrives.
The Blinis look delicious. Did you say brunch was when?
Our Monday was rainy, too. It was all stormy and dark ... Blechhhhh. I wore a bright color to wake everyone up. It worked. I think I made them all go blind.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Hurrah! I'm so happy that you tried my white bread recipe. I think you are the only one that has tried any of them. I wrote you a very long comment just a few minutes ago and for some reason when I hit the publish, it came up that it was unable to complete my request, so maybe it was too long. At any rate, I'm trying again and I will send you an E mail just in case that was the reason it didnt' print.
yaya, I could smell your bread, it looked so good and tasty! now this thing about the bladder blowing up, do you get extra pay for dangerous duty?????
Oh my stomach is growling here. Your blinis look like cheese blintzes to me.. and I haven't had one in decades. Drool!
An exploding bladder? Really?
We're having the same kind of winter/spring here and I've about reached my limit with it.
Your crab is gorgeous, with or without flowers.
Baking is a great way to deal with these cold days. Your stuff looks so yummy!
I bet you are a delight to work with!
What a beautiful header picture!
I hope I can find that blinis recipe...never tried them before...but they look all sugary and right up my alley!
I haven't made homemade bread in a long time. Maybe I'll get inspired by your post! The weather here in GA has been so crazy...hot one day and cold the next. I don't look forward to the extreme heat and gnats that are signatures of the South.
Those desserts look AMAZING! I am actually drooling right now. I can make a mean set of truffles but yummy those look good! I also am hearing you about this long winter.. come on spring! I just had 30cm of snow last friday that has melted down quite a bit but still. I'm doing the sunshine dance - if only I had your lovely rendition of "in the rain" to go with x
I'd like to know how you make those blinis - I love those! I think your bread looked delicious!
I would have liked to have heard about that exploding bladder though...
Well...shoot, I think the bread looks fantastic!
A bladder??? You don't...like mean...a REAL person bladder?? Do you??
Naw...you can't mean that.
Thank you so much for your comment. Yes, I know many are having problems keeping up...I just never knew HOW many. I remember back when I began blogging..for the exact same reasons you did, I asked how on earth everyone kept up. Especially those very popular blogs with over a thousand to two thousand followers. Or even several hundred...NOT easy.
Some bloggers to the "Meme's" and sometimes four or five at once. Now that will bring a lot of folks to visit you...but...then what? :) I rarely do the "Meme's" I think I have done probaby two or three in two years.
It's turned cold here again too...and we are usually pretty warm. Snow in the Sierra's down to 2000 ft. level. COLD!
Have a wonderful weekend!! :)
I too wrote a long comment and it somehow got erased before I could save it. Icomplimented you on your bilinis and your bread and then proceeded to give you my non-fail recipe for pie crust.
So here it is again.
l and l/2 cups of flour. Throw into a pie plate.
Add 1 Tsp. of sugar and l tsp. of salt to this and mix up.
1/2 cup oil (not olive) with 2 tablespoons of milk which has been whipped together with a fork.
Add to flour mixture and pat out to make a bottom crust.
Bake until golden--about 10 min. 350 degrees
Use any filling. Lemon meringue pie is what I usually make with this.
This in only good for one crust pies.
You probably have this recipe already. If not, try it. You'll like it.
Liked your post on Chicago also. I told my criminal friends to back off your house.
did you know that 'blinis' are russian? and that's even the russian word for thme! I ate them tons while over there! I'd love the recipe for the ones you made! they look amazing!!
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