Spring is finally busting out all over. The temps are up and down, but the flowers can't wait a minute more. The daffodils are bobbing their sweet yellow heads and little surprises abound in the gardens around the Pines. The grass is growing and by Easter it will have to be cut. I've found many of these clumps of daffodils and even the ones I planted last fall have come up. Life is good!

Pretty purple posies.

When you can pick fresh flowers from the yard, then plop them in a vase, it just makes me smile!

Now for something completely different:
At the close of each work day us lovelies stare at our images in the mirror and lament about the sorry state of our hair. Wearing a cap all day does nothing for a hairstyle. It even leaves a nice indentation around the forehead because of the elastic around the cap..now throw in an orthopedic day and having to wear a spacesuit (we call it the "bubble") with a helmet. Voila'...helmet head. Donna Starkey is so sweet. She always says to me: "your hair always looks nice." Are you kidding me? Then she says: "It has personality"..yah, like a split personality, or a bipolar personality..really it just looks like this:

I love the hairy chick! You're hair does to always look nice. You are the hot mama!
Hahaha. Nice pic! I meant your hair has body,....or attitude, or cuteness! It's just always cute even under all the head gear!
LOL! good one, yaya!
thank you for sharing the lovely deers with us even though the pic is blurry it's proof that you are always ready with the camera
what beautiful spring flowers. my tulips are only about 1 in. high and we are suppose to get more snow tonight. good thing though it will melt tomorrow.
take care!
Watch out for the deer they will eat everything in your garden. My flowers still haven't pop yet they are still jut coming up through the ground. Hair, I need a hair cut badly right now. so mine always looks like hell
Hahahaha Love the hairy chick!
HA. That is one wild (haired) chick!
PS. We have a lot of deer in our area, too, and they are constantly eating everyone's gardens. Beautiful creatures, though!
Glad to see springtime weather in your neck of the woods. And for your hair style? Think of how difficult it would be to have a job where you are always being judged on your looks. Ahhh! Too hard to think about it.
Besides, with friends like Donna, you're set.
Lol I can just imagine what my hair would look like under one of your caps all day. Every picture I have seen of you though you always look beautiful. Donna too.
Just thinking about deer last night out here because Gretchen planted a pot garden and I told her the deer might be her worse enemy.
Your flowers came back so pretty! Glad you were able to cut some for your home.
Hope you are off this weekend and can enjoy your flowers
I don't even want to think about helmet hair. I put in one day observing implants in the cath lab and yes - your hair gets very squished.
I love your beautiful flowers - nothing prettier than daffodils. And were those crocuses? Lovely.
I would surely scare people if I had to take a helmet off at the end of the day!
I have dandelions in a vase on my kitchen counter right now...they make me smile too! My husband cut our grass yesterday for the first time. A little early for us...but all of our retired neighbors did...so we had to keep up!
Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you so much for your kind comment about my hair. It was nerve wracking to go gray ...finally... but I have hung onto the length even through all that. I just kept cutting off the dye. It took...a long, long time.
Your hair, from your photo's looks neat and though short..in a really cute style. Whatever we are comfortable with, is right. :)
Since I am addicted to hair clips..I guess I better keep mine long.
I would have written this response to your email address, but..you don't have one...(shucks!)
I love the title of this! And the fact that spring seems to have truly arrived in your world. The hair story (and that cute chick) made me laugh.
I love seeing pictures of you, and your hair looks darling, so those things you have to wear don't do much damage. I don't suppose they would be too comfortable to wear though. I also loved seeing the beautiful flowers. I do love daffodils. We are about to come to the end of our winter flowers. The ones we put in during the summer are annuals and the gardener does it. They are also pretty, but don't have the lovely spring colors that I love so much. It's a whold different thing planting flowers in the desert.
I love seeing the picture of your deer. They are such beautiful animals that I don't see how anyone could ever kill one. I remember Sue telling me about the time her not quite to be husband took her hunting. She had a deer in her sights and when he turned those beautiful eyes on her, she absolutely couldn't pull the trigger. Dave was a little upset with her. I'm not sure whether or not she ever went hunting with him again.
I'm thinking after this busy weekend, I will get back to my blog. I've missed it, but I probably won't be doing it as often as I was. Maybe I'll do it every Monday. Sure do miss my blogger friends though.
Deer are gorgeous as long as they stay away from my damn car. I nearly hit one last year coming home late at night. The thing ran out in front of my car and then just stared at me. Punk.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Now that is a hairdo that made me laugh! Thanks.
Beautiful flower pictures. Yes, it's wonderful when they all start blooming.
I have a friend up north here in Virginia who sees a lot of deer in the woods where she and her husband live. I've always wished I could get a good shot of them. At least you did, even if it is just a bit blurry.
Ann Carbine Best, Long Journey Home
I am happy to visit this nice and positiv blog full of light!
You're so lucky to watch dear deer:).
I can see them only in the zoo.
Daffideer is such a nice word!
And hairdress isn't important if a person is good.
9 grandchildren! It's great!
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