Saturday my Aunt Gwen passed away. I couldn't let this time pass without saying a few words about this lady. My childhood memories are intertwined with her and my Uncle Dave. They lived across the street from us. Last year Aunt Gwen had to move to a nursing home and her home was sold after over 50yrs of living there. Although I was sad at her passing, I know she is at peace and with my Uncle. I used to spend time at their home, sitting on the front porch with her eating apples or watermelon that she loved to add salt too. Never could acquire that habit! She always seemed interested in what I had to chatter about and I know that she loved me. She loved poetry, music and literature. She had deep respect for the nursing profession. She was health concious and always was in good shape. She loved gardening and had beautiful flowers and veggie gardens. I will always picture her mowing her lawn with shorts and flipflops on! She and my Uncle traveled the country with us when I was young and after my Uncle passed away she traveled the world with my Mom. Mom always says she was the best traveling companion. One thing that I will always remember is how, when Iwould be rushing home from her house, she would admonish me to "always look both ways before crossing the street!" To this day I can't cross a street without hearing her words. I'm sure as she passed through the veil from this life to the next she stopped and looked both ways. Seeing us here and those waiting on the other side. Till we see each other again, I love you Aunt Gwen and will keep you in my memories forever.