On this last day of January we were given a little more blast of Winter with some snow that quietly came in after midnight. We woke to a few inches on the ground that brought some brightness to the cloudy day and the birds hungry to the feeder. After a bit of a lull it started up again and we had snow falling all afternoon. Since it's Sunday and we had no place to go and not expecting any visitors it was quiet, lovely day to stay in, stay warm and enjoy the scenery out the window. However, I did feel the need to get my outdoor duds on and tromp around the Pines with my camera.
The welcome stone as you enter our driveway. The little spot behind it is a quiet place to enjoy in any weather.
I peeked around the fence to see how my animal neighbors were doing. The chickens had already visited and scratched around the snow in the back yard. I almost forgot my walking stick!
All was quiet and all the alpacas and Temp the horse were snug in the barn. Not long after this shot I heard the kiddos who live here sounding like they were sledding or just outdoors enjoying the snowfall. Their laughter is good medicine!
I tromped around to the back and had to snap a pic of my neighbor's barn on the other side of us. I shouldn't covet my neighbors goods but I do love this barn!
Last weekend my son Jack was over splitting wood and mentioned he really should get this trailer up and running. He got a super deal on it but really has no place for it at his home. I lovingly call it my yard ornament and have taken many pics of it in all weather! Good deal or not, it should be used or maybe he should just sell it for a good deal! Ha!
On a cold, snowy day a pot of bubbly chicken and dumplings hits the spot and warms the body and soul!
Throw in a homemade from scratch chocolate layer cake and it's a homerun! I haven't tasted it yet so maybe it could be a "foul ball"! Anyway, the house is warm as the wood furnace hums on, and darkness has settled in on this final day of the month. As a side note, many have asked about my blog book and where I got it printed. If you look on my blog page in the left hand corner you'll see the "Cutestblogontheblock" sign. It's where I get my background pics. They will make a blog book for you. Just follow their directions and you can also eliminate any posts you don't want printed. Sharebook used to do some books also but I'm not sure if they still do. You can always just google blog books and I bet a million sites will show up. I've just had good luck with cutest blog on the block site. Hope that helps. I'll say bye bye with my final photo that I played around with photo shopping.

A glowing scene of our homestead here at the Pines. Good bye January. You gave us a few surprises and I'm hoping that's the end of that nonsense for the year.....Hello February....a blank slate. Night all!