Around 3am I woke up to hear the rain just coming down in buckets..I couldn't help but think of Noah. Did his neighbors wake up to a sound as scary as this? Did they think that maybe he wasn't such a nut case after all? I kept thinking..Am I prepared for a house that could wash away? A basement that could flood? It was very scary to hear the wind and the rain just pelting the house. When I got up later, it had stopped raining, but I went outside to see the damage. All I heard was this roaring sound of rushing water. I realized it was our creek. It doesn't usually have enough umpf to make that noise. I threw on my boots and coat and headed across the yard. This area is a planting area and it does sometimes flood, but this was crazy! I wonder if any plants will survive. There is a spot under a tree in this area that has the grave of our little dog Ferris. Hopefully, that will not wash away!

This gentle, usually just a trickle of a creek was roaring by! This pic doesn't do justice to the height of the water or the speed.

Today is my birthday and Donna (Starkey Hollow) invited me out for a birthday lunch and to get there I had to traverse some crazy water and routes. This road was closed. That is usually a farmer's field and the water is right up against the road. Needless to say, I turned around and headed the other way.

This road was also closed. It took me a bit longer to get to our lunch rendezvous, but I did and we had a really nice lunch and a nice time to just sit and gab about everything from work, to kids, to silly things. Good girlfriend time!

If you know me, you know that my favorite sandwich is a ruben..Yum! So of course I had to order that. And if you really know me you know I always take pics of my food. Hey, I'm a blogger!

Along with my yummy lunch I received this awesome package. Nobody, and I mean nobody can wrap a gift like Donna. I didn't even care if it was an empty box because her bows and wrapping are a gift themselves! However, there was something cool in that box..

Inside that beautifully wrapped package was this...a lovely lunch tote..it has compartments inside and a icepack and it's insulated. I always bring my lunch most days and Donna noticed the not-so-cute box I was toting. She's so thoughtful! Thanks so much Donna! BFF! So even though the rain and flooding were a bit worrisome, the day turned out great. I stayed home and did nothing but read, relax and enjoy a quiet birthday.