We have a new OB department..all redone...all new...all pretty...and with it comes this beautiful operating room to do C-Sections in. Now that might not make you excited, but it sure does our surgery department. But mostly I have operating bed envy. This little number is so nice and new...and I want the big window in this room too. (it has a remote control shade) Today was the grand opening..we did the first C-Section in the new room. It all went smooth and hopefully it will continue to do so! I'll give you a little tour of our OB and when I'm done, maybe you'll want to get pregnant and come visit us!

We all went up to take a look and see how we are going to help our OB department learn to do their own C-Sections. That will be so nice for us when we won't have to come running in to do a middle of the night stat section. But much training and learning for them will have to take place and we are eager to help it all happen.

Everyone taking in the sights.

Hello Dr. L! Having fun yet?

When you're laying on the operating room bed you can look up and focus on this...no it's not the real sky, it's a picture that is turned on at the wall. I may just go up there and take a rest on a busy day!

The nurses station is nice and large. They also have a wonderful lounge area and locker rooms and sleeping rooms.

Beautiful photos like this one line the halls and patient rooms. They were taken by a local photographer of actual babies born here at SAM HO.

Yep it's me waving...my new whitening toothpaste must be working..see how bright my smile is!

This is a water feature in an atrium waiting area.

Another view of the atrium waiting area inside the department near the patients rooms.

Waterfall in the lobby.

A children's area with vending machines for visitors and kiddos.

This is Little Sam's Cafe...our big cafeteria is called "Sam's Cafe"..Our hospital is Samaritan Hospital and we always call it "SAM HO"...This little spot has fresh fruit, coffee, muffins, bagels, oatmeal, juice, milk, soup, etc..all free for family and visitors.

Ok, so I wouldn't want to be preggo again...but sitting in our new OB lounge with a fire going this winter and some hot cocoa from the Little Sam's Cafe might make me want to wait for someone in labor!

On a different note: Here are some of the trial bracelets from my old buttons. My Mom is so funny. She actually sent me a box of old buttons she had! They were mostly silver and I love them! Thanks Mom!