When I think of milestones I always imagine the biggies....walking on the moon...discovering America...first baby...last baby...a cure for something...and birthdays. I've had a few milestone birthdays in my life. I have had a few surprise birthday parties for those. I remember my 50th....my whole family showed up in my house on a Friday morning around 8am. I was up and dressed, thank goodness. I came up from our rec room in the basement to find them standing in my livingroom. Scared me to death but we had a great time. They all had traveled from Chicago and my one brother came from Atlanta. Great family! A big surprise party happened that night that not only included family, but friends from Church and work. Good memories. Well, I've hit another "milestone" today. I'm 60. I can hardly say it and make it seem real. I'm not opposed to growing old...really, I'm not. Everyone has to do it and the alternative isn't what I want at this point in time. I'll save that milestone for another time, thank you! But really...60?? When did it happen? I keep thinking that if I'm really 60 I should be different somehow. I keep thinking that I should feel like a grown-up..that I should be smarter or something. It came so fast that surely a "sonic boom" should have been heard! I remember when I turned 30 and was really upset. My generation always said: "Never trust anyone over 30." I felt sooooooo old then! Now they say 30 is the new 20. Knowing some 30yr. olds I do believe they are right! It seems youth rules in 2013...more than it did in 1953. Looking at old pics of my Grandmother holding me as baby, she looks just like she did when she died at age 94 in the 1980's! White hair and all! Well, I'm not my Grandmother. I do trust people over 30. I still have the greatest family. My super wonderful husband who puts up with me everyday. My great kiddos and grandkiddos. They are the hot fudge on my sundae of life. My Mom who is my inspiration at age 86. My sister who makes me laugh and loves me no matter what. All my brothers who are the best brothers on earth. My friends and co-workers who add the spice. My BFF Donna...you rock girlfriend! She put together a wonderful 60th birthday surprise carry-in at work today. So much food! So much fun! So many cute decorations! Thanks from the bottom and top of my heart. So now I'm going to flow through 60 years of my life quickly...hang on. It's going to go fasssttttttt

I'm starting with age 5....
Moving on to age 8....Love the teeth!
High School....In this day and age all the kids get a million poses with outdoor and inside shots. Back in 1971 everyone just wore a sweater with a necklace, sat down, turned to the right, left, front...done!
Weddings....where are those crazy kids today?
Then came the babies. That was also how we did it in my day.....first came love, then came marriage, then came us with the baby carriage! Now Moms don't even need a Dad..just a container and a syringe.
I had to add this....I love Halloween and all the world loves a vampire! (I'm a 5mo. preggo Vampire here in 1983!)
TaDa!!!! Me at 60! I still can't believe it, but I'm going to enjoy my day. It started out fun with my party at work:
Our early morning meeting included celebration:
Yummy food...this was just a teensy sampling of what was brought in!
These little tidbits were really good. Spinach, feta cheese, cream cheese..all rolled in cresent dough...YUM!
This little message was on our message board: I just noticed the Nursing Law note above my Happy Birthday..."the quiz is set up like the BAR..BAR means: Basic Annual Review...not BAR like "Club 42" bar. If you live in Ashland you know what the Club 42 is!
When I got home a few surprises awaited:
Flowers from Craig and Amy in Oregon
Candy from my Sister in Chicago....and yesterday Jack got me a fun new popcorn maker because he knows how much I love making real popcorn and with a ceramic top on our new stove, it's not recommended. Thanks Babe, and all my family and friends! I'm going to go now and contemplate how in the heck this all happened...and how blessed I am to be here to enjoy my life.