I was able to go Wednesday and meet my sister half way between here and Chicago. Her sweet son, Bill, brought her and Hope and we did the quick exchange at the outlet mall in Angola, Indiana. We had a nice ride back to the Pines and had time to talk as I drove. (Jack will laugh at this part since I talk with Midge almost every day on the phone...for long periods of time!) We never seem to run out of things to talk about and usually have solutions for everyone's problems...except maybe our own! Midge had just spent a week in Orlando at the Universal park. She went with her daughter, son-in-law, and their 3 kiddos. She had a good time but came back with a cold that left a nasty cough. But she had no other symptoms so we decided to get this visit in and it was really a nice time. Hope was happy to be back with Midge and did really well here with Annabelle. We don't have a fenced yard like she does but she did good with the long lead we had fixed for her and I took her for walks around the Pines. Midge needed some rest and I think that was accomplished.

We would take afternoon rest times...OK, it was naps but who's keeping score! Annabelle enjoyed it too! You can't see Hope but she was on the other side of Midge watching the birds at the feeder. As most of you know, my sister is on dialysis 3 days a week and we had it set up to be done at a clinic here. She's been there on previous visits. We had a little SNAFU when her dialysis unit in Chicago sent out her blood work and it got lost. Thankfully I was able to contact one of the Doctors I work with and he reordered the blood work needed and we got it done. It delayed her treatment a day but all was well. We were able to take drives around the area, do some shopping and spend time here with Jack and then some of the kids over the weekend. I think it was a restful time that she needed and that good old sister bonding that we both enjoy. Thanks to Jack for putting up with us and helping where needed! We had had some warm weather but the cold arrived in time to sprinkle a little snow for us.

There's a Facebook page for folks with West Highland Terriers and they post pics called: Can you find the Westie"? Well, I ask you, "Can you find the Westie here with Hope"?
How about here? She blends in pretty good. I kept calling her and Hope, ebony and ivory! On Sunday Midge went to church with Jack and I and sat in while I taught Sunday School to my new class of kiddos. After church my son Jackie and his wife Evelyn and my Grandson Cameron came for lunch. We had made 2 different soups and 3 different sandwiches and brownie sundaes for desert. Phil was suppose to come but for some reason he didn't show. Usually it means he had to get his kids or perhaps he wasn't feeling well. I'm sure I'll hear from him soon as to what happened.
Midge and Jackie. After lunch and some fun conversation it was hugs all around and time to wind down and get ready for going home today. We left early this morning to meet Bill again at the same place and both of us were home around noon. We always get teary eyed saying good bye. I worry about Midge's health and always keep her in my prayers for healing and perhaps getting a kidney one day. Time will tell.
One of the nice sunsets the other day. The sister time went fast as always and we wish we lived closer but we do the best we can and enjoy the time when we're together. I'm so grateful to have a sister who's also my best friend! Good night and have a good week everyone!