I've been a busy gal these past weeks gearing up for my sister, Midge, and her kids and Grandkiddos coming to celebrate this season. We housed Midge, my niece Amy and her hubby Eric and their 3 kids. My nephew, Bill, and his wife Laura and 3 of their 5 kids came but stayed at a nearby hotel. My niece, Katie and her two kids, Brooke and Mason also made the journey from Chicago and stayed at the same hotel as her brother Bill. Katie's hubby, Blake, stayed home to take care of the dog and work. Don't worry about remembering all those names...no test at the end! Jordan got home and was able to see family that he hadn't seen in 2 years. So it was a few days of planning activities and of course food to feed everyone. On Saturday we had the annual Halloween bash at the Pines and it turned out fun without going overboard with haunted woods and such. Just didn't have the time and also energy to do it all plus work. I've struggled keeping up with blogs and such and will visit my blog buddies this week to catch up on all the doings of this special month that I love. Of course there are photos to document the fun time we had!

Friday had the gang checking out the new stores in our cute downtown and spending money that I know the merchants were pleased to see. That's Midge checking out some goodies. Her big bag already held some cute clothes she found at the Blue Pumpkin clothing store. My nieces made a dent their inventory as well!
A few "Angels"? Sometimes they were and a few times they weren't but all in all it was fun. First pic is Great nieces, Ella and Lexi...pic 2 is Great nieces Ava and Brooke...3rd pic is Great nephew Mason.
Lexi, Brooke, Mason and Addy having some party food. Yes, those names sound familiar as I also have a Lexi and Addy (Rae Rae)!
Midge brought her dog, Hope. It was Hope's first trip and visit to our house. She and Annabelle got along fine and she did great. Hope wasn't too happy to have to leashed but she's not used to 6 acres of land to roam. She got out once and ran like crazy....right to the street! Yikes! We coaxed her back and all was well but it sure had us panicking!
My niece, Katie on the left and her sister, Amy on the right...the gals in the middle? Just some witches to add a little magic to the occasion!
My Great niece, Brooke (Katie's daughter) on the left. My Great niece, Ava (my nephew, Bill's daughter) on the right. Hard to tell them apart sometimes!
Speaking of witches...Ha! That's Evelyn's daughter Sam in front and my Granddaughter, Driana just being silly with my floating witch hats. Everyone has those, right?? Of course we had tons of food for the party and we also had a birthday to celebrate. Addy Rae turned 14 last week so I made her a special cake.
Looks delish! She loved it! The best part was when it was cut open candy came falling out! It's a fun cake to make and surprise everyone. They wanted to know how you get wrapped candy inside. Magic of course!
Happy birthday Rae Rae! We sure love you! We were really lucky this past weekend with fabulous weather that held out the whole time. We had outside fun with a fire in the pit and some games with prizes and lots of laughs.
We made a few "mummys" with some Mommies joining in with their kiddos. This is Laura, my nephew's wife and my Great niece Addy. They won the fastest wrapping.
This team won the neatest wrapping...and the slowest! Ha! Good job Brooke! When night fell we sat around the wonderful fire and talked and laughed and just enjoyed the time together.
The kids ran and played while the adults had sat and chat time!
There was a full moon to light the night and the warmth of the fire to enjoy. The temps were dropping though and we had to finally head indoors. I think it was a successful gathering this year. Believe it or not I have a second post to come with the happenings of the next day....Fall fun to be continued.....