Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Few Tricks And Treats

 The fall weather has been really pretty good this year. A little bit of a mixed bag of treats with lovely, warm and sunny days and then some tricks of the wet, cold and even some snow flakes in the air.  This weekend was the treat though.  It probably is the last nice one for leaf peeping and of course I must share a few of those pics.

The end of our road is a blaze of yellows and orange.

My neighbors trees are picture perfect.  But the best place to really see some pretty color is always our city cemetery.  It's where I like to take walks with Annabelle all year but Fall is the best.  I like to say that the trees turn so pretty because of all the "dead" vibes..
But not everything in the cemetery is dead and buried...
I spied this cutie watching us...meow!  We'll leave the cemetery for some fun we had last night going to Ashland Historical Societies annual "Pumpkin Glow" event.  The historical society is restoring an old home that was given to the city and made into the children's home and then it was a detention center for wayward youth.  Now it's being revamped for events and I was excited to take my first peak inside. That's because I wasn't a wayward youth I guess!
The outside had a few fun spots.  I liked the witches hats hanging from the porch.
There were many sponsors that had carved pumpkins all around the house and folks would hand out candy and things when you drove around.  In the back of the house there were food trucks and parking so you could get out and enjoy everything up close and personal. The weather was perfect for walking around the grounds.  

The inside rooms were pretty sweet too.  I was excited to know you can rent the space out for events of your own.  Made me think that next Halloween's family gathering could be here!
Maybe we can get this dude to play for us!  A funny thing happened when I took this shot.  Jack and I were standing there, pretty far from the piano.  It was just us and another lady who was across the room.  As soon and I clicked the pic he slowly fell backwards!  (the skeleton, not Jack)  The lady looked at me with wide eyes like I did something...but no way did we make it fall over. Could it be paranormal?  Well, it's my Halloween story and I'm sticking with it!  To end my post I'll tell you about Annabelle's not so fun week.  We  had her to the Vet twice with a bad gut that had her vomiting, not eating, howling in pain, and just plain feeling rotten.  $500 plus later I think she may be feeling better.  I've been up with her at night most of the week and hopefully she'll get through tonight without any problems.  Dogs are as bad as babies because they can't tell you what's going on.  Anyway, she did have a moment of wonder at some very big "DOGS" that came through the Pines.

These two stood and stared at each other for about 10 minutes trying to figure out if they were friend or foe.  Needless to say the baby deer just meandered to Momma deer and Annabelle came back to the house still not sure what that was!

Enjoy this final full week of October everyone and don't hesitate to be a bit silly!  It's almost Halloween so watch out for the tricks and enjoy some treats!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Lots of fall and Halloween fun where you are! I hope you and yours have a great week and a very Happy Halloween.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I've been thinking about my canine sweetheart Annabelle all week, and about you sitting up with her night after night. I am terribly sorry you both needed to endure those unpleasant days and nights. I hope the $500 worth of treatment is enabling your pretty pooch to bounce back, feel like herself again, and resume eating, playing and enjoying life at The Pines. Please continue to let us know how she's doing. I will keep her in my prayers.

Thanks for sharing pictures of gorgeous fall leaves! I eagerly await pictures like these posted by you every fall. That second picture showing a tall tree with brilliant orange leaves is breathtaking, and my favorite.

Every year at this time, I also think about your kitty, the one that posed so well for Halloween pictures and was essentially part of your decorating scheme, the one that died a few years ago. I know you miss your cat, and so do I. Why not consider adopting that kitty at the cemetery if he doesn't seem to have a home?

Thanks for taking me along to the Ashland Historical Society's Pumpkin Glow event. I think you hit upon a great idea to save all the muss and fuss at your house and hold some of your family gatherings at that renovated house. It's handsome inside and out. I'll can just imagine that bony piano player calling out for a waitress and ordering "a beer... and a mop." :) It's uncanny that he fell backward right after you snapped your picture. I'd be hightailing it out of there!

Again, I am thinking about your wonderful Annabelle and will keep rooting for her to get back to 100% health. You are taking very good care of her. I wish you and she and your whole family a blessed week, dear friend YaYa!

jack69 said...

Love the fall pictures. You caught some great color. I was proud of you and the camera, UNTIL the Skeleton........ I bet Jack will think twice letting you take his picture. LOL since he saw it in real 3D!
Sending love and the best of Fall up your way.
Sherry & jack, enjoying life (and avoiding photographers!) LOL

Julia said...

You're lucky to still have gorgeous colors. Our trees are bare but the temperature is pleasant and not too cold although, it's raining now.

How spooky that the skeleton fell off his stool when you clicked his picture. Talk about a nervous skeleton, lol... Who knows there may be a poltergeist in that old house.

So sorry about Annabelle, maybe she ate some objects. It wouldn't be the first time a pooch ingest some objects and needed an operation to remove it. $$$

Take care, Hugs,

Prims By The Water said...

Si glad Annabelle is doing better and yes sure wish they could tell us what is wrong. I love your ghost story and I do believe it was something paranormal that did that. Beautiful Fall color and yes we have had such a mild fall here too. I hate to think what Winter is going to be like. Janice

acorn hollow said...

What a pretty place that is. OHHH I wonder what made the skeleton fall over yikes lol.
So sorry your poor dog has been ill. Hopefully she is on the mend.

Happy Halloween