As the Christmas season approaches I sometimes find myself like old Scrooge, bahumbugging around the town. We've had a little added stress with Jack's surgery so close to the holiday. He's doing good but very sore and restricted with what he can do and that's difficult for him! Work is always a bit crazy this time of year, but we've got it surrounded as they say. We made the trip to Chicago for our annual gathering with my family this past weekend. I did the driving and managed not to kill us along the way. Actually I've done this drive for the last 45 years when it was just Jack and I, Jack and I and assorted kiddos as they came along and many times alone or with just one or more of the kids. I think I have it down! The traffic wasn't too bad and the weather cooperated so all was good. As we gathered and greeted my siblings as they arrived by plane or car from all areas of the country I began to feel more like Tiny Tim. All smiley, full of Christmas cheer and ready for that wonderful holiday food and festivities! All the sibs made it and we did have a great time together. Mom was feeling good and it turned out to be nice weather too. What more could we ask for? Of course I have pics to prove it,'s to another Arends family gathering:

Friday night we had dinner at Mom's...see her reading her mail in the background? My sister had the table all ready for us.
Looking fabulous Mommo!
My brothers and my sister-in-law Deidra. My brother Phil (on the end near Jack) came all the way from Panama were he lives most of the year. The chilly Chicago air was a challenge for him!
Lots of laughter and stories to go around. The next day had us all together at my niece's home for the big party. She has a lovely, large home that can accommodate the big crowd of old and young.
She too had the table all decorated for us. The theme this year was Nutcrackers.
She had many all over the place and she's a police officer/detective so you can see why she would have a police nutcracker!
Jack looking good!
Don't be frightened by the Butler...he has the jello shots to ease your nerves.
Let the festivities begin!
Mom was looking great as always!
But she still will not be kept sitting for long...helping out where she can.
Or discussing important things with her Granddaughter, Vicki.
The littles finding mischief under the tables.
My niece's dog...Thor...big but loveable!
After a delicious dinner, out came the sweets...holy cow..but very yummy as well as pretty.
Pictures by the tree were many and the rest of the weekend was filled with the good times of family. We laughed at the slides I had made into a DVD to sit and enjoy. We saw our lives pass in front of our faces as we watched and wondered where the time had gone, how young we all were, and how many of the Grandkiddos look like their Grandparents. We talked of our lives now, some of us are retired or thinking along those lines. We shared photos of those in our own families who couldn't make it there and remembered with smiles, some tears, and great memories of those who have gone on ahead of us. We left with hugs all around, a promise to make it not only next Christmas but sooner as the weather gets warmer. We prayed for those who are having some health issues and sincerely hope all will be with us next year at a time when we again will be saying: "God Bless Us Everyone!"