Everything was ready for the family get together on Christmas day. Christmas day is always the day we celebrate with the kids and their families...just like Jack and I did when his parents were alive. We always went to the farm and opened gifts and had dinner with everyone. I remember how tiring it was after getting up at the crack of dawn with the boys, then getting everyone dressed and out the door. But we had a great time and now that Jack's parents are both gone, we miss them and wish it were still that tradition. Now, we're the place to gather and we enjoy having them all over. Usually we have everyone come over about 1pm and open gifts first because the little ones are so excited. Then we eat! Then we groan..This year the weather cooperated and we had some good sledding time too. A new memory is made each crazy year and so much can change in life in 12mos. so we try to make it a fun and happy time and hope next year will bring everyone back to the table happy and healthy. Here is a quick look before the paper goes flying! I was so busy handing out gifts this year, I never took a pic of anyone opening them! I need a photographer on hand!

Then the kids arrived...Addy and Alexis arrived in their pretty new Christmas dresses looking festive and ready for gift opening.

Whoa there Anthony, I like your haircut! He's been growing it out since his summer buzz and his parents made him get it cut finally!

Jordan and Loni...no Eddy the boxer because Cameron is very allergic...we missed him!

Dinner was over, gifts had been opened and now it was a good time to get outside for some fresh air (or blow the stink off as my Grandpa used to say!)and see if the hill was ready for some sledding! Up we went!

Anthony was excited to get his new sled headed down the hill!

To help the sleds go down faster, Jack put silicone on the bottoms. Here he is bringing one of them up to the top for the kids to try out.

Going down is fun..the walk back up however is where the calories are burned!

The kids waited patiently for their turn. Hold on Cameron, your time is coming!

Alexis needed a little help to get started by her Daddy.

Oooppss! Not every sled ride was a success!

Even some of the Dads got into the fun! Go Jackie! (I'm the only one who calls him that BTW)

Before everyone went down for the last run, I needed a nice group shot! From left to right: Cameron, Jackie, Summer, Anthony, Phil, holding Addy, and Alexis.

After all that sledding down the hill and tromping up it, a snack was needed before everyone headed home. Cameron had fun outside and I think all the Grandkiddos went home happy, full of treats, and very tired. Hopefully all will have slept in this morning for Moms & Dads.

This was left in the snow from Alexis...it reminds me that I have sweet angels for family!