Sunday, February 20, 2022

Having A Melt Down

 This time of year can bring the brutal cold, tons of snow, and then some unseasonal warm-ups.  It's all the ups and downs of Ohio winter that I've blogged about for years. Maybe it's repetitive but it's my life so on the blog it goes.   We had some 50de temps in the past week that melted a lot of the snow we had and that had problems all it's own.  Flooding with some roads closed. We didn't have any problems thankfully but the yard is a soggy mess.

Hello raised beds! We'll be digging in you in a couple of months. It was just nice to see them again.

This side of the yard always melts off first. Walking the property is messy business.

Speaking of business..Annabelle is finding more spots to do her business! She's limping around today so I'm not sure if she hurt her back paw while exploring or maybe got something in her paw pad. I've soaked her feet and applied antibiotic ointment on the sore one. We'll see how it goes before I call the Vet. She really does enjoy the yard!
Just when we were enjoying the melt down, it snowed and iced again. You can't really tell from this pic but that's a Robin.  It was all alone and for a minute I thought it's feet were stuck to the ice! Nope, just looking for some water to enjoy.  Today was almost 50de and again we had a melt down.  I should have gotten a pic of all the Robins in the soggy area of the yard taking baths in the cold water! Must have felt good to them!  I believe we're in for another snow event on Thursday but today was sunny, warmish and tomorrow and Tuesday will be almost 60! Yippee!  Yesterday was pretty chilly though and Jack made his wonderful spicey tortellini soup. Yum! We hadn't had it in a while and it really hit the spot on a chilly evening.
Pair it up with my homemade bread and it's a winner, winner, yummy dinner!
It's been a quiet weekend and not a whole lot to blog about.  We did receive these in the mail:

The freebies from the government. We got 2 and hopefully will never need them. Did you all get some? We still wear masks at stores and church but we're only among a few who are wearing them.  With numbers going down again I hope it will be a good spring and summer for gathering . Speaking of gathering...the owls have been heard morning and night and when I was closing the shutters in the dining room the other day I saw 2 of  them fly into the trees. I grabbed my camera and clicked a quick pic before they took off:

This one turned just as I was taking the shot. Hello cutie!

This one wasn't as rude! Well, maybe it was me that was rude since I didn't ask permission to shoot them! So that's my weekend.  Monday tomorrow and since retirement I always say that my Mondays don't ruin my Sundays anymore!

The sun was setting as I took this shot today. The best part was it was after 6pm and still light out! Woohoo! Night all.  I hope melt downs are in our our futures soon!


Deb J. in Utah said...

We have a winter storm advisory for tonight, so hopefully the mountains will get a good amount of snow because we need the moisture. We got our Covid tests from the government about a week ago. We are still watching church on Zoom, but we will go back in person next month (if rates keep going down). Hope you have a great week. See you again soon. :-)

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

Ever since the TMI nuclear power plant disaster that took place practically in my backyard, I cringe a little whenever I see the words "melt down." The melt down you are telling us about in this case is the good kind, the kind you look forward to. Your temperatures have really been seesawing, but so have ours. We went from the coldest air of the season to running the air conditioner in a mere 24 to 36 hour span. Since then, we have had chilly nights and warm days, requiring constant thermostat adjustment. I'm happy to see my buddy Annabelle out enjoying your lawn. I'm sorry she developed a limp. Maybe she stepped on a thistle or burr in the grass. I hope the soaking and ointment have helped her paw so that you can avoid another trip to the vet, possibly another costly office visit. I admire the pictures you took of the robin and especially the spooky owls. Imagine the lives of those strange nocturnal creatures.

In recent years, I have developed more of a taste for hot and spicy foods. Therefore, I would love to taste Jack's tortellini soup (along with 17 loaves of your bread in a single sitting). No, dear friend. I do not think we received any COVID-19 test kits in the mail. Recently, Mrs. Shady's son flew in from a trip to Arizona. When we picked him up at the airport, he looked flushed, was feverish and had a sore throat. We feared the worst. Mrs. Shady drove him to a testing center where he was tested and declared negative for the virus.

Thank you for bringing us up to date on what's happening at The Pines. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Yaya!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I'd say that's a meltdown LOL. We are on the weather rollercoaster too... We had several inches of snow Friday (all day Friday) and horrendous couldn't even see out the door... Today was very mild...I think we even got to 40º...but snow is again on the way for Monday and Tuesday....they are saying 10-15"...and one forecast said as much as 20". Grrr.... The winds have already started up so it could be a doozy. Jack's soup and your bread would be a wonderful treat. ~Robin~

TheCrankyCrow said...

And fantastic photos of the owls!! How amazing that you caught them in photos. They don't sit still long once they know they've been spotted it seems.

jack69 said...

Some melt downs are good, I am sure Annabelle thinks so. Jack's soup looks very GOOD and satisfying.....
Love from Florida where we are warming up to NORMAL methinks.
Sherry & jack

Julia said...

How lucky that you were able to get photos of the owls. I wonder if they are nesting in your creepy woods. Annabelle will love running around in the creepy wood when all the snow is gone. I hope her foot is better.

We had a big meltdown here also and then a little more snow but it's looking like Spring is getting closer.

That tortellini soup sounds and looks good with homemade bread. Yummm...

Take care and stay well.
Hugs, Julia

Anonymous said...

Hope your spring comes soon. I’m sure Annabelle will be glad when it arrives. No we didn’t get the govt test. Hoping we don’t need them.

Prims By The Water said...

Its been a soggy wet mess here too in Michigan with temps in the mid 40's.We must be in for that same storm coming in. What beautiful owls! Jack's soup and your bread sound really yummy indeed!

Susan Kane said...

The owl is a real catch.Your grass is so wonderful.

pagettedaines said...
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