Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 It seems like I haven't blogged for a while but it's only been a week...just seems longer for some reason. Well, we did get hit by storm "Landon".   Or "snowmageddon" as it's being called around here. Jack measured the snowfall in the front of the house...10in...in the back of the house it measured 15!  All I know is it seemed like it was never going to stop. I know I shoveled a ton of snow to keep the paths open for Annabelle.  Word to the wise..wiser than me anyway...don't get a new dog who is being potty trained in the Winter. Just sayin.   When the snow finally did stop the sun came out and it seemed like the world was slowly waking up.  Of course everything was cancelled from Thursday to Saturday.  We came out good with no power outages here at the Pines and it was warm and comfy indoors.  Now it just has to melt and from the piles of snow out there it may be June before that happens!

Welcome to our front sidewalk...enter at your own risk!

Our kind neighbor did come and plow our driveway...thank goodness!  I made some special cookies for him to say thanks since he didn't let us pay him.  
Bird bathing is closed for the season.  Speaking of birds...I took a few pics of our feathered friends as they came and dined at the Pines.  These were taken from inside so pardon the bad focus.

I made sure the feeder was full.  It's first come first serve around here.

Some preferred a table for one under the gazebo!
A few preferred to snack on my herb plants under my kitchen window.

Does this outfit make me look fat?

Looks like he has on red earmuffs! As cold as it was that would be a good idea!

Go Jack, Go.

Annabelle is doing really good with her potty training.  She has a bit of anxiety and we hope it will get better as time goes on.  She just wants to be near us at all times! But she's been a sweetie and we love her.

Thanks for stopping by.  You're welcome to visit anytime. This snow shovel has your name on it!

I'll even share some of my fresh baked...this morning...cookies! Sending out the love and the hope that Winter will calm it's self down from here on out!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow! Hope you are all dug out by now. Your Valentine cookies look so good! See you again soon!

Julia said...

Like you, we got a lot of snow but today, it changed to rain. I'm counting the days to spring. Only 40 days to official spring. It's getting closer...

I agree with you, potty training a dog in winter must be a challenge, especially for an older dog.

I'm glad your neighbor plowed your driveway. I didn't plow your driveway but I would love to have some of your cookies. Maybe I'll have to make my own, lol...

Take care and be careful with that shoveling.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ok...I confess.... After the "Go Jack Go" comment, I really thought the next would be "Go Annabelle Go" LOL. That is, indeed, a lot of snow for you. I feel like we are on borrowed time here in Nod...watching everyone else get slammed two weekends in a row and us skating by with just some cold and a few dustings. I'm sure our time is coming....there is a lot of winter left here and some of our worst snows have been in March. But, overall, it's been a somewhat mild winter for us in these parts so far. And oh do those cookies look all kinds of good. Lucky neighbor! ~Robin~

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, dear friend, everywhere you go in Ohio, Ashland. I think the dang Groundhog should be carted off the jail for his lie of omission. When he predicted six more week of winter, he neglected to mention Snowmageddon. Please tell me you didn't try to have your friends over for that luncheon again this week. :) I think the only thing for you to do at this point is to get tough and fight back, show winter who's boss. Get your swimming pool set up in the back yard, invite Lexi and Addy Rae over and start splashing around like it's July. Old man winter will be so confused that he'll retreat, never to return. Down here in my part of Florida is is raw. I was outside a while ago to take the recycling dumpster to the curb. There's a steady, ice cold rain coming down, felt like it was ready to turn to sleet or snow, and the temp is only around 50, a miserably chilly night by our standards.

Thanks for posting pics of the snow accumulation and the birdies coming to your feeder. It warms my heart to know that your Good Samaritan neighbor followed through on his promise to plow your drive. You were kind in baking him a mess of cookies. I am happy to see a pic of my new best friend Annabelle. I'm so glad she is getting potty trained even with such adverse weather conditions to deal with. She probably experiences separation anxiety and needs to be near you to feel secure.

Take heart, dear friend YaYa - the July 4th thaw is only five months away. :) Keep warm, stay safe and well and enjoy the rest of your week!

jack69 said...

Love the scenery, but glad we are seeing it from the distance. Jack is a trooper that is a handfull. Remembering that just a little from living in North Missouri.
Your Jack is a trooper... I am sure his job helps keep him in shape. I feel better with a healthy looking Doctor of any stripe.
Anyway enjoy your Snomageddon.
WE are a little chilly here in Florida, actually we are warm compared to you guys.
Sherry & jack

acorn hollow said...

WE seem to get one storm on top of another lately. One storm they didn't think would do much left 5 inches on top of all we had. There is plenty of snow for skiing and snow shoeing and whatever else you think you might want to do in it. It is good for the water table in the spring and summer that is what I keep telling myself. My husband does the tractor I do the shovel. So sweet your little dog wants to be with you she must feel like she won the lottery.
Have a great day

Prims By The Water said...

You can keep the snow shovel. LOL I am so over snow and we only got 6 inches. So nice you made cookies for your neighbor and those heart ones look so yummy! My mom always makes her neighbor an apple pie when he plows her driveway. H wont take money either, but does take the homemade pies. Soon Spring will be here...hopefully. Janice

joeh said...

I love a good snow, been years since we've had one that stuck around for very long.

CHERI said...

I have absolutely no understanding of living in so much snow. Sometimes I think I'd like to try it and then other times I think "am I crazy?" It always looks soooo pretty though!!!