Friday, February 25, 2022

Ice, Baby, Ice

 Ice in a glass of Diet Pepsi is good.  Ice in a blender when making a smoothie is good.  I don't drink alcohol but I hear that certain drinks like ice.  I don't drink coffee either but I guess ice coffee is good.  I don't do ice tea either but the name says it all.  Ice, baby, on the deck is not good. Ice on the steps is not good. Ice in the grass when the dog needs to pee is super not good.

An ice storm came through last night and today the trees are shimmering ice sculptures.

Each branch covered completely.
A beauty all it's own.
It's a cold day in bird land.

These little icesicles remind me of something...
Tears..they remind me of tears that are shed when a person is really and truly over the cold harshness of a long winter....speaking for a friend!  Ice, baby, ice.


Deb J. in Utah said...

I remember ice storms like that when we lived in the midwest. I recall going out to get in our car to go to church on Sunday morning and all the car doors were iced over and frozen shut. No church for us that day. The ice may not be fun, but it surely is beautiful. Stay warm and have a good weekend. :-)

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I remember those ice storms from my 30+ years living in York, dear friend. I remember scraping my windshield for 20 minutes with the motor running and the heater on full blast. It seemed to take forever to carve out a patch of glass to see through as I drove. I remember slipping and falling on numerous occasions. I remember the icy ruts that formed on streets and sidewalks when snow turned to slush and then to ice. I don't envy you having to deal with this kind of situation. Yessum, it's a beautiful sight. The icicles remind me of Christmas decorations. However I hope your trees and shrubs don't sustain damage from the heavy ice coating. Limbs can bend and break under that weight. I hope you will be extra careful not to slip on the deck, the stairs, the sidewalk, driveway or city streets. Falls are bad enough when we are in our 20s and 30s, but we need to take extra care and guard against them now. Poor Annabelle. She must be puzzled by now. First the property was covered in deep snow. Then, for a while, the fresh green lawn was exposed. Now everything is coated in ice. I'll bet it melts quickly in the days ahead. We have been running the air conditioner for more than a week solid, day and night.

Thanks for showing us your winter wonderland at The Pines. Please stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend YaYa!

Julia said...

This is quite a contrast to your previous post about having a meltdown.
When I was young I remember skating to my heart's content on ice and we had a huge ice storm and there was a thick crust on the snow, and I remember the huge ice storm in 1998 in Ontario.

It looks so pretty but can play havoc with trees and powerline.

Poor little Annabel, she needs a little sheltered spot to do her urgent business.
Hope the sun is out to melt the ice.

Take care,

jack69 said...

It wasn't often down south, but I remember ice-cycles as a kid. They excited me. Today ice scares me. BUT it still can make a beautiful picture.
Love from the sunshine
Sherry & jack

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ewwww....NOT a fan of ice. I am not a fan of snow (other than in the month of December), but ice....ick. A few years back we had a horrendous ice storm. Our whole area was out of power for DAYS...and it was right before Christmas. I was supposed to have my entire family over for Christmas Eve...and I was in tears...and I think even they froze. Obviously, there was no get together that year. We couldn't go to a motel because we had a dog and cats and there were none that would allow them. We got a back up generator that spring. Well, stay safe, and hope it melts quickly for both your sake (no more falls!) and Annabelle's. ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

Ice is the worst!!! I would take a foot of snow over ice any day. And speaking of snow you don't have any! We still have lots on the ground we just got about 8 inches yesterday and on top of that it is a very cold week. I can hear the daffodil bulbs screaming lol, they want out!
Be careful

Prims By The Water said...

We missed the ice this time but had more snow. I do like when the ice comes how it forms on the trees and shrubs, but so hate walking and driving in it. I do like ice in all of my drinks, even beer! LOL Janice

Susan Kane said...

The week before our wedding, there was a terrible ice storm. Tree limbs snapped off trunks, and blocked the roads. Got married though.