Monday, February 28, 2022

Beginnings And Endings

 I did a post a few years ago about hellos and goodbyes.  Today I'm calling it beginnings and endings.  I always enjoy the hellos more than the goodbyes.  Sometimes I've enjoyed the endings more than the beginnings.  Beginnings can be scary.  A new job, a new school year, a new baby, a new relationship, a  new marriage.  Endings can be a new beginning too.  Ending a job, ending college or high school. Ending a marriage, and on and on. I'm sure we all get it.  Today is a beginning of sorts for me.  I'm beginning the last year of my 60's.  I remember when I turned 60 and how that felt but for some reason today the sound of 69 sounds sort of old.  I've never been a person prone to depression.  Yes I've been sad at times but it passed and my optimism of life always came and brought me along. For the past 2 months I've struggled with what I'm assuming depression feels like.  Not every day or every moment, just snippets of feeling lost as to what I want my life to be like.  Then I started thinking about my Dad who passed away when he was only 56 and never saw 60 and beyond.  He loved life and would have embraced every year.  Jack's parents passed away in their 60's.  His Mom was 66 and Dad was 67.  I know they had plans for things they wanted to do in that part of their life.  God had plans too I guess.  So I don't want to fritter away my life with sadness at my endings.  I need to embrace those beginnings that others were denied and I've been granted so far.  I made some plans for this final year of the 60's.  They involve family, travel, downsizing and giving up some "things" and welcoming other "things".  Better health, better organization, better use of my time and talents. Maybe finding out what talents I actually have!  So hello 69.  Take my hand and my heart and open them to new beginnings and even a few endings.  Happy beginnings to me.

One of my beginnings involves growing my hair out...we'll see how this ends up!


jack69 said...

Yes it is definitely different the ending of one decade and the beginnings of a new one. But you still have time to wait on the next beginning. I enjoyed 69. I am sure you will.
Wishing you the best for the year, ENJOY IT, because next year you will have reached the age of other old folk. ;-)
Love from the sunshine state,
Sherry & jack

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I remembered that you have a late February birthday, dear friend, and so I predicted what this post would be about. Happy birthday to you! Mrs. Shady's son and daughter both celebrated birthdays this past week. I looked it up and discovered that 69 is the new 29, so there's that... and besides, you look great. Your hair looks lovely. Heck, I'd give anything to be 69 again! :) Yessum, several of your loved ones passed away younger than you are now, so give thanks for each and every day. I hope you can plow through your bucket list for this last year of your 60s. If not, you have the rest of your life and there's no hurry.

The title of the post and your birthday musings remind me of a memorable line of narration from one of my favorite movies, Summer of '42:

"Life is made up of small comings and goings. And for everything we take with us, there is something that we leave behind."

YaYa, you might be closer to my age than most of my other friends, but I can tell you truthfully that you are the youngest friend I have. I think you know what I mean by that. Let us pledge to always stay in touch with our inner teenager.

Once again, happy birthday to you, dear Kathleen, and many more!

Julia said...

Oh, you are not old and you still have many good years left. Happy Birthday sweet Yaya. 🎂 💐 With spring just around the corner, and the grass greening up, your spirit will rise above the dark cloud and you'll get busy planting the gardens and taking long walks with Anabelle.

I've always been busy even when I wasn't busy but these last 2 years have been out of the ordinary for everyone and have taken their toll.

I remember your hair being that length when you had your neck surgery a while back. My hair is so thin on the top because of my thyroid but you are lucky to have lots of hair.

At 75, I don't feel any older than I felt at 65 although, I'm a little slower. I just say I'm no longer in a rush, lol... I just celebrated my 56th wedding anniversary on the 26th. I'm just glad we haven't killed each other yet, lol... We are so different from each other, George and I.

Take care and start planning your garden. 😘
Hugs, Julia

acorn hollow said...

I do think the times do not help with sadness and feeling a bit lost. With all that is going on in the world. I am still debating on retiring at the end of this year. I had all plans to and then the world and prices when crazy. I hope you find whatever it is you need to get back on track. A little travel and family sound great. I know that my hobbies mean so much to me and I would be lost without them maybe you have a hidden hobby or maybe a book club at your library? I think doing something out of your normal will help too.
A very happy birthday!

Prims By The Water said...

Happy Beginning to you! I had a good cry when I turned 60 myself. I too had plans on retiring at the end of the year, but I might have to work longer now with the way the economy is going. Have fun doing new things! Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

Awwww.... Happiest of Birthdays Kathy...and Happiest of Beginnings and of Endings. I have heard more people struggling with depression who never have before...and, yes, I do believe that state of affairs of "current events" in the world has much to do with it...Sometimes in ways we don't even realize. I do know there is a great more reflecting being done...which, in many ways, is a good thing...yet it often makes one confront things we had buried or ignored. But today the sun is shining....and I will put on my smile....and make the most of it. I wish for you a year of sunshine, smiles, and fulfillment. Hugs ~Robin~

joeh said...

My brother who is fighting with Parkinson's turns 80 this May...I will turn 76, He told me, "On the bright side, we don't have to worry about dying young!"

Kathy said...

I am right there with you. I will be 68 this year. I keep thinking that I'm almost 70 and that sounds sooo old. My dad died at 64 just 2 months before he was going to retire. That showed me that I must live my life to the fullest and embrace every moment. Life here on earth is short. I wish you much joy with your new beginnings.

gin said...

I agree! That’s a great plan to live like there’s no tomorrow. You’re fortunate with good health, a little cash, a great sidekick husband, and everything rise you may need to enjoy this year. We do hope for a great year of being in the 70’s that’s soon to to follow. But no to the hair growing out, keep it young looking as long as you can! I’m a year behind you, so I’ve got your back and cheering you on!