Sunday, March 6, 2022

Lions And Lambs

Why March always gets the designation of coming in like a lion or lamb and exiting the same way is a mystery to me. I guess I'll have to google it and find out where that started although I'm betting a few of my smart blog buddies know the answer.  So keeping with the theme, March came in like a lamb.  We'd had plenty of lion like weather so I'm glad Mother Natures gave us a gift.  And boy what a gift we got this weekend!  70 degrees and sunshine!  Saturday was one of those gorgeous days you would love to keep forever.  After running our usual Saturday errands I had the pleasure of walks with Annabelle, a drive in the country to deliver some food for a friend who was having some health issues, and more outdoor time.

Annabelle sat outside with me enjoying the warm sun while I sat and read a book.  One day the grass will be green again!

Our next door neighbor's horse, Temp, was also sunbathing!

I even had my first outdoor meal for this season.  A quick light lunch and reading the paper.  It's the little things that make a good day!  Later Jack and I worked for a couple of hours in the garage cleaning out a cupboard and getting rid of a ton of   "stuff".  Even that was fun because it was so pleasant outside.  Today was just as lovely although we did get rain in the middle of the early hours.  I had to take Miss Annabelle out and we both got drenched!  Oh well, waking up later to blue skies and sun was good!  After Church and lunch I took the dog for a walk in the cemetery and she's been enjoying the outdoors much more than when it was snowing and cold.   I know we're in for more of snow and cold this week but I have my memories of yesterday and today to keep me warm!  
The last rays of the day coming in through the dining room window.  Thanks Mother Nature!


acorn hollow said...

this time of year we truly appreciate the warm days.
We are in for lots of wind and rain in other words a mess.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ha ha...Annabelle looks like a little lamb laying there. In my world, if March came in like a lamb, it went out like a lion and vice versa... I think it goes back to the very old belief that all things balance out...eventually...but probably should research it myself LOL. Wow 70ยบ...! Nice! We had two nights of ice storms and now there's a skating rink out there. It's not to get above freezing anytime soon so no melting going on...but I need to get into town tomorrow so wish me luck! But, even with the ice, we had thunder and lightening last night. It gives me hope spring will eventually find Nod. Have a good new week ahead! ~Robin~

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I'm happy to see signs that winter is on the run in your region, dear friend. I am delighted that you and my new best friend Annabelle enjoyed a warm and sunny Saturday and a not too shabby Sunday. Yessum, Annabelle certainly does look happier basking in the warm sunshine and not having to negotiate a lawn covered with snow and ice. It does my heart good to know that she got to experience the first of what will be many pleasurable outings with you during the warm weather seasons ahead. I can sense your joy as you dined outdoors on the deck for the first time in months and tidied up the garage while the weather was fine.

More cold and snow might be on the way, but no one can take from you the memories of the special belated birthday present Mother Nature gave you this weekend, the gift of beautiful, warm spring like weather. Much more is now in store for you, so please be patient. Have a wonderful week, dear friend YaYa!

Julia said...

It looks like spring has arrived at your place and Annabelle looks so white. I can't wait till it's warm enough to sit outside and Bar-B-Q and grill veggies.

March is a combination of lion and lamb, stormy and mild. It's the transition from winter into spring. I didn't look it up, I just made this up, lol.

Enjoy the warmer weather, you lucky girl.


Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you are having some nice spring weather. Sounds great. We got snow here today. I hope you have a good week.

jack69 said...

YES! It is nice to have a lunch outside. Nice to see the days turning into Spring. And I have no idea about the lion and lamp concerning march. LOL Probably as factual as the Groundhog and shadow. ;-)
Sherry & jack loving the sun in Florida.

Prims By The Water said...

So glad you had some nice time outside. Sunday was warm but extremely windy here. Back to ice and snow. So not sure if that constitutes coming in like a lion or lamb here. UGH Annabelle looks cute! Janice

joeh said...

Thanks for being the only one to understand what "Bullies" was really about.