Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Day Late/A Dollar Short

 Happy belated Valentine's Day! I hope everyone had a fun, love filled day.  Maybe it included some flowers? Some gifts? Some chocolate? A dinner out? A dinner in?  However you shake it I guess it's nice to have a day to remember to send out love and I know that Hallmark appreciates it!  It was a  nice day here at the Pines even though Jack had to work and Annabelle had to go to the Vet for her checkup.  We've had her a month.  She is doing well with house training or maybe it's YaYa training! One of us is very good at going outside to get her business done.  One of her big deals was getting up and down stairs.  We only have 2 stairs that go off the deck but it took her a bit to figure out how to get up and just today we...I mean she..figured out how to get down them.  So you can guess that I'm a day late with Valentine greetings but I'm also a few hundred dollars short that I left with the Vet! I figured Annabelle was good to go since the shelter had done all the vaccines and such.  Ha! Silly me!  She needed a flu vaccine.  What? Yeppers, a flu vaccine.  And her heartworm shot.  And her flea and tick pill.  And the office call of course.  I think she was a bit sore from the shots and was up and down all night.  So not only am I...and Jack...a day late, a dollar short...we are also a bit sleep deprived!  However, Jack got me a beautiful bouquet of roses yesterday and our son, Jack, and my daughter-in-law, Evelyn and her cousin Mandy came for dinner last night.  No food pics to show but it was all delish.  It was fun to spend some time with them.  My kids were great as littles but they are even more fun as adults. 

Jackie, Evelyn, and Mandy.   It was a nice sunny day and fun evening.  They also brought a bouquet of flowers so I have fresh flowers in a few rooms and I love it! It reminds me that Spring is on  it's way. Tomorrow and Thursday we will have 50de temps! Yeah!  It will melt the snow, cause some flooding, make lots of mud, but I don't care because it's going to be sunny and warm..ish!  Love to all!


jack69 said...

Good to visit your house. We love the family ties you all exhibit. Amazing, I never heard of a puppy Flu shot? ;-)
Sounds like a wonderful Valentine time....
Love from down here in Florida where we are starting to see the sun...
Sherry & jack

Julia said...

Roses for Valentine. It looks like you did a great job training Jack to remember the roses offering every year."Happy belated Valentine Day" ❤️

I'm glad that you had a great Valentine's Day. Me, I baked bread and heart cookies for hubby. That's as romantic as it gets. lol...

Vet bill sure adds up quickly. Your Annabelle is in good caring hands. Hopefully, she will be good for another year without vet bills.

Spring is only 33 days away.
Hugs, Julia

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Yaya!

I'm sorry you were not able to experience a traditional Valentine's Day celebration with Jack this year because he was working. On top of that, you needed to devote a substantial part of the day to running Annabelle to the vet, and you were blindsided by costly shots she needed. Your story has me flashing back to the Toto years when Mrs. Shady and I spent more time with her at the vet's office than at home, and the cost of dealing with her skin rashes and failing joints was high. On the bright side, Annabelle is learning the "step by step" procedure of going outside to the potty, and your temperature is moderating, giving you a break from weeks of cold and snow. It's funny that 50 degrees is springlike to you guys while it shouts "winter" here in Florida. It warms my heart to know that Jack made the romantic gesture of giving you a bouquet of roses for V-Day. It was nice to see a pic taken of Jack, Evelyn and Mandy when they dropped by for a visit, and to know that they also brought flowers for you.

Thanks for bringing us up to date, dear friend YaYa, and enjoy the rest of your week!

acorn hollow said...

We kept it low key here but that was fine by me. sounds like a good day except the money for the vet. WE have been very cold and the warm air is coming in for us too thur and friday. I will the nice warm air mud and all.

Prims By The Water said...

Oh poor Annabelle. So glad she is getting along with her new home. Happy Valentine's! We stayed in to eat, but I ordered Jimmy John subs. A treat for us because it takes a half hour drive to get them and then another half hour back. We like them because they are cold subs and last the drive back home. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you had a good Valentine's Day and got to spend time with your family. :-)

TheCrankyCrow said...

Happy Valentine's Day Kathy! Fun that you still get flowers...seems like you are not only a good dog trainer but a good husband (and son!) trainer as well. 😉 It was a non event here...as has become the norm. I still play with my paper and make hearts and buy a huge bag of cinnamon jelly hearts and that's it. Sad but true. We had warmer temps too...at least that's what the thermometer said...but it was overcast and windy so not a whole lot of difference in my book. And seriously...a flu shot for dogs?? Shut the door! ~Robin~

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gin said...

Happy Late Valentines Day!!