Here are all the other party people. There are rules about a Tastefully Simple soiree...my fav: "Don't yuk my yum". Of course that was after I gagged on the delish looking first sample that I thought was chocolate and it was coffee flavored slushie stuff. I'm not a coffee drinker. I got a dirty look..Donna saved me by drinking the rest of it for me. That's what friends are for!

I like to take shots of the food served..however this doesn't look too inspiring does it? And to think that some people actually bought hundreds of dollars of the stuff! I hadn't had dinner, so it really did taste good. Most of what we sampled were dips with beer bread chunked up. I don't drink and after tonight, I probably shouldn't eat beer either! Hey, I wasn't driving!

I don't know if anyone else had as much fun as Donna and I did. We were too busy laughing, being silly, taking pics of ourselves, and tasting all the food. Which was very good. However, we didn't win a thing, spent too much money (it was also a fund raiser for Relay for Life, so no guilt here)and were called "trouble makers"...Fine thing coming from someone who sells dip for a living! Yah, we're trouble makers for sure! (And proud of it)

I just wish I could party with you and Donna. What a good time the three of us could have....no telling what we would get into.
Love that you and Donna are such good buddies. When I think of you I think of her and vice versa..lol
Toooooo bad your hubby with those spectacular hands and fingers is not in my neighborhood. I sure could use him right now.
If I could only tell on my site what is going on now you guys would flip but I have to wait since I don't know if work reads my site or not.
Love ya honey have a wonderful weekend and parrrrrtaaay some more
these are just great pictures of you guys
You naughty girls! I would love to sit down the back of the room with you and Donna sometime at a party. We'd have the funnest time. Especially if there's food involved. As you say, no guilt involved as it was all for charity. Looks like you had a blast!
It looks like you had fun. I have never heard of this kind of party.
When My daughter was young she use to say to her dad and I how can you stay home on a sat night? now that she is a mom she says I so want to stay home now I get it.
This looks like so much fun! Totally jealous.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Any kind of event focused on friends and food sounds great.
Good for you guys, makin' a little trouble. Wish I'd been there to help!
you guys are so much fun! Makes me wish I'd gotten to go with you!
Hey Amy (above)...we remember you as the "Barefoot & Pregnant Tastefully Simple-ostess"! Too cute!! Wish you HAD been there!!
As for you, Ya-Ya troublemaker....thanks for the lovely photo!!! (Paybacks...)
sounds like an awesome time!
thank you for including us!
Your friend drank the rest of your drink. "That's what friends are for", I like that! I thought us mothers are the only one eating and drinking kid's left overs.
You guys are always good for a giggle. Looks like great fun.
Thank god for women who are trouble makers!!!! You had me at 'beer bread'.
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