Tuesday, the first of March..it came in like a lamb. After the harsh snows, rain, ice and thawing that ended February, it was nice to see the sun. I took a walk up to the creepy woods to check on the creek and see what was going on up there. I saw traces of deer..like these tracks and also deer poop (I didn't photograph that!) that let me know they have been around. I looked up in time to see about 7 white tails go up and the deer took off. They didn't make a sound! One second they were there, and the next, poof! Gone! I couldn't even get a pic in, they were so fast and I never heard any crashing of tree limbs, or thundering on the ground. I must not have been as quiet as they spotted me pretty quickly. I've had a few people ask why it's called the "creepy woods"..sure wish I had a nice scary story to tell. Nothing I like better than ghost stories! But it's not that fun. It started when I was babysitting my Grandkiddos Katie and Taylor. We would take walks up to the woods and around the Pines. One day Katie said, "hey, lets go up to that creepy woods." And that's what we've called it ever since. We've creeped it up on plenty of Halloween haunted trails and ghost story telling time each fall when we've hosted Halloween parties. The Boy Scouts have camped up there a few times and I'm sure they have given it a little creepiness too if it would scare a younger scout! But mostly it's just a quiet, peaceful, pretty place to take an afternoon walk.

When I came into the creepy woods I had to stop and take in all the dead fall..I know the deer didn't do this! No, Mother Nature has a way of clearing out the old and letting the sun in to help the younger trees get mature. It also helps those of us who heat with wood..free fuel! It just looks like a steam roller came through and flattened it all!

Thankfully all the water in our yard didn't flow into the basement..many around town were not so lucky. Driving into work and then on the way home I could see all the people putting wet carpet and padding and funiture on the curb for the trash.

Well, the term "fire and ice" sure fits this pic...we won't be roasting weenies over this spot for a while!

The yard's a bit soggy and it's still cold, but the snow is melting and the temps are going to get a little warmer this weekend. The rain coming tomorrow will make us a little nervous because the ground is very soggy as my boots will testify. But this is almost spring in Ohio and that makes everyone happier.
Love the pic of your "wellies" taking in the mud!! I posted about the same thing...your's is better! (Mine is cuter!) lol
That last pic is adorable. Your weather pretty much mirrors ours. That spring will get here.. eventually.
I love the last photo, too. There's just something fun about the angle of it.
HOT boots.....lol. Thanks for telling about the creepy Woods. It makes me think of the forest in the Harry potter books.
I like the fire pit. But my favorite fire and ice reference is Edward and Jacob.
Beautiful...just beautiful. I wondered about the creepy woods too, so now I know. Love the wellies - I've always wanted some but it doesn't rain enough here.
They really do look creepy even in the photo's, especially without any leaves.
The last pic is my favorite.
Our March roared in like an angry lion, but I'm thinking it's the last roaring we'll hear for a bit.
Spring is truly coming for us all. Hooray!
Just so you know, those bones are a humerous and the upper portion of an ulna. IE: Arm bones. They look bovine, and the ulna seems to have a sheer cut (Which means it was butchered by a human).
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