It was a great day to draw with chalk on the driveway...it just felt so good to finally see the sun and feel it too!

Later in the afternoon Cameron asked if I would make a chocolate cake with him. How do you say no to that sweet face? So we assembled all the ingredients and went to work. Although he thought it was just plain fun! When I told Cameron we were going to put flour in next...he thought we had to go outside to pick some! He learned about the difference between the same sounding words.

This is a good time to learn about measuring.

He even cracked the eggs himself and never dropped a shell!

Stir it all up..

Time to bake it..

A little reward for all that hard work..Of course, that brought out Anthony for a quick taste.

Well done Cameron..it's a delish finish!

Nuff said!

I put my blog into book form at the end of the year, so for obvious reasons I don't often do videos..besides it takes forever to load them! But I took a video of the Cam-Man..what a corker! Notice the difference in the weather and the absence of snow from yesterday morning..it melted quick!
What a cute little baker-man. He sure looks like he is enjoying that cake.
Oh, I forgot to mention your comment made me laugh out loud. Don't forget to email me your snail mail address so I can pay it forward to 'evil' YaYa.......
So funny!! What a young "91 year old Ya-ya"!! Looks like a bonding day with a 3 year old and a chocolate cake...too much fun! You are right...who could say no to that face?? I think he looks a bit like our Bryden. Glad the weather gave us a break if even for a day!
he is so cute! What a great day!
and the bonus no snow.
and now I want chocolate cake
Looks like you both had fun, I cannot wait until I have some grandchildren of my own, I am still "working" on my daughter.
What a fun day - there's nothing like grandchildren!
What a charmer! He is so adorable. I love hanging out with children, it always makes a day seem just a little bit brighter. Glad you had a good time x
What a great day you had. How fun, hope he feels better today. Thanks for all your help today. I'm glad you didn't have to rush out.
How cute is he!!!! I love cooking with my two grands. Grandson R used to really like to cook but now just likes to crack the eggs and maybe do a little stirring. Granddaughter M loves everything about it. For Christmas her mom gave her and me matching aprons with our names on them. We are just too cute! So glad you had a special day with that sweet little one. They grow up too fast! Also glad you had some warmer weather. I worked in my yard all afternoon today!
How nice of you to drop in for a visit...
I just finished reading about your grandson...(what a cutie) and you are right! It's wonderful to hang out with a three year old now and then..
My tiny Great Granddaughter is that age also...and what a joy she is...
Do come back when you have time..you are always welcome! :)
Three years old and chocolate cake,
that is the perfect mix for a perfect day!
What a lucky grandma you are! Loved the video, too.
Oh YaYa... What a cute little man. And he's fast. Very very fast.
Oh my gosh, what a darling little guy. How much fun you had. I absolutely love the things three year olds say. They are so original and so fun to be around. I wish I had a few of them to be around me. One on one is fun too. I had a lot of them with my grandchildren, but haven't had a one with my great grandchildren. That little Cam guy is just too cute for words. I'm so glad you posted the video. He seems so real to me now.
I love that he thought you were going to put flowers in the cake! Isn't 3 the BEST age ever?!
Aw how precious is this video. Too cute and loved hearing your voice.
I love it when you share pictures of your Cameron he is adorable.
Glad he and I have something in common you mentioned we were both corkers. lol
Have a wonderful weekend
Love ya
Now that is acute youngun. Jilda and I keep our great nephew a couple days a week and he's been supervising most of the construction going on at our house.
I think he would live with us if his mom would let him.
There's always something going on here that he finds fascinating.
I loved the video.
Such a cutie, and a wonderful memory making day.
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