After all the planning, remodeling, jack hammering, and fine tuning was finally done..this room #1 was closed. We moved to the new, big, improved room #3. It will take time to get used to this change. Mostly getting used to calling it room 3! When I came here to work in 1978 this surgical suite was fairly new. I was impressed by the nice size of the rooms. Especially OR #1. It was made for orthopedic surgery even though there wasn't one on staff..yet. The next year we had one ortho Doc and then got another one the year after that. We haven't stopped improving on that service since. It's growing by leaps and bounds. Thanks to us baby boomers who, because of our life style of over eating and not exercising, are wearing out our hips and knees. We do a ton of total joints. We are ranked 5th in Ohio for our joint program. Our infection rate is almost zero. Now we have 2 new modern rooms to keep improving this part of our services. I enjoyed learning in this room. Working with the Docs and having fun too. I don't know who remembers the TV show Mash..The show where Radar goes home and he's looking into the surgery suite while all the action is happening, but he's leaving. Saying goodbye to this room reminds me of this episode. Standing and looking in...knowing life is changing and you are too. Can't go back, only forward. This is just one of the many new changes we will experience this year. All of us are taking deep breaths, hoping we can keep up, move along, and make it a better place for our patients.
You can see the caring and concern the Docs have for our patients. Here's Dr. R, anesthesiologist, keeping a close eye on all the monitors. And also the radio to make sure his fav tunes are being played!

Although this was our largest room, you can see the tons of equipment that it takes to do orthopedics. The wires, the machines, the cords I have personally tripped over and landed knees first on the floor! Yes, it was more than time to expand and upgrade to modern equipment that is off the floor, compacted into special booms, and computerized. But still, I will miss you old room #1. I've learned alot in this room!

It's empty now, but not for long. It will be used as a storage area and eventually it will be remodeled into more space for the recovery room.

Comparing this room...the new room..room #3 to be exact, you can see how large it is. It's really a pleasure to work in there, except I have to say it might be...gulp..almost...gulp...too big?? Shhhhh.. Don't tell anyone I said that. More things will change in the future, in that I'm sure. But how many I'll be around to see, I can't really tell. But memories will be had here. Caring, healing, heart pounding nerves, funny stories and life altering events for patients will continue as they had in old room #1. Wish us luck!
Honey I love it when you share your work with us. It is so interesting and I am in awe of what you do everyday.
Because of you and others that you work with yes this new room will also make as many heartfelt memories and the room #1.
I love hearing the pride you have in your words about your work.
Thank you for doing such a great job.
Also thank you for always leaving me the kindest comments. Wow I am lucky to have you in my life
Love ya
I remember that MASH episode. So does my daughter.
What amazing space. So beautiful in its complexity. Thanks for sharing just great photos. Memories--that's what this is all about.
I feel better hearing that hospitals like yours keep getting better; that joint replacement is a routine operation now; that there are people like you, professionals dedicated to health and comfort of the sick all over the place. God bless you all.
time and tecnology keep marching on. My sister in law does the same job you do. I too am in awe of all that you do and the wonderful things you perform. Thanks for showing us.
It's nice to see the inside of an OR when you're not the one being wheeled in. I just hope the people who work in my hospital have as much pride in their job as you do.
Enjoy your new digs.
Wow, so much goes on in health care facilities !! We should not take them for granted. As my husband and me are growing older, I realize how much you and your collegues do for us. I am sure there is not one dull moment where you work.
Every hospital should have the professional pride that yours seems to exude. Thanks for sharing.
I am so impressed with what you do. The world need good nurses, and you are clearly one of them!
Tuesday I worked in there.....and it ECHOED!!! (love it though...so high tech! Shay and I had fun testing all the computer lights, etc! :-)Did you know all the anesth machines are hooked to each other and can communicate? They can see any other room from their space...wow!)
I do remember that episode of MASH. I actually had a similar experience when I left the Army.
Life is a roller coaster for sure.
Good post Yaya.
Love hearing about your work. Incredible photos. And I'm impressed. I've always had lots of admiration for nurses and drs. and those who work in hosp environment taking care of others.
God bless.
I remember when we moved into our new NICU - the old one seemed so small when I went back to look at it later. It is truly amazing the changes that I have seen in my 35 years as a nurse. So nice of you to share your progress here with your friends~~
That is a nice facility. I hope we don't have to use it too soon though! :)
Thanks for sharing this amazing change in your life, and your workplace. Such an interesting post to read. Just remembering the Radar episode you mentioned brings tears to my eyes. There is something so hard about leaving parts of our lives behind - even when we're moving into something we've always wanted and that is better in some way.
What a great facility...the new room looks huge! Thanks for sharing...I can feel your pride in the work you do...it's such an important job!
Blessings to all of you and the new room, may healing and love be an everyday occurrence....and when there is a passing, may it be peaceful.
Kudos to you and all the nurses and docs like you. The business I'm involved in is cardiac, and we share our office (for the next 3 wks anyway!) with the spinal division. I'm constantly amazed at the technology and how fast it progresses. But it's the care and concern of the docs and nurses that really has my respect. What a great job they do - and it's getting harder all the time to provide that great care. Hopefully it's a better environment for medicine in Ohio than it is in California. It's brutal here. Thanks for all you do.
I just love these pictures! After last week I totally admire and honour all those that work in health facilities. It was people like you that made me smile even when I felt like I was dying. I second Maggie's comment, you always leave the most heart felt comments - I feel like I know you! Is that weird?! Haha. Anyways, you're the best and I'M also lucky to have you in my life. x
It's so obvious how much your work means to you and how dedicated to it you are. When I was in the hospital recently for my surgery, everyone was so kind and caring. It really made a lot of difference. I sometimes hear horror stories of hospital stays and I can never understand that. It's sort of like teaching...if you don't have a heart you should find another profession.
Wishing you luck!!!
Thank you, Yaya, for coming to visit me...I love it when you new faces pop by to say Hi!
Being a first time visitor, I have some catching up to do but, from today's post, I can see you do a lot of good with a great deal of passion...and, from your profile, it's clear you're a warm, loving person with strong family bonds :)
Super to have met you! I'll be back :)
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