Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Simple Pleasures

The weather is cold and wet today, but we still have a smile on our face. I'm off of work today so that's always a reason to celebrate! This gives me extra time to get some house work done, packing for the wedding trip on Thursday and just plain enjoying fall at the Pines!
In warmer months you'll find Squeak sleeping on the deck or exploring the property..well, mostly sleeping. Now that it's cooler and wet, this is her spot. Under the desk by the kitchen fireplace. Smart cat.
All summer I avoided heading up into the Creepy Woods. After Jordan came back with a tick on his leg, I decided I would wait until cooler weather when I would be wearing long pants, boots, long sleeves and such. Today was that day. I grabbed my camera, the dog and some clippers to get me in. I usually take the big weed wacker back there at least once in the summer, but missed it this year. I'll get to it when we get home from the wedding because we're having a Halloween party at the end of the month and I'm thinking a scary, haunted story telling time in the woods is in order this year. It was pretty over grown but we tromped on in. Eddy was covered with burrs when we came out, but they brushed off easily. Sure was worth the hike... I now have a good plan for my party haunting!
After getting through the overgrown area, the walking became easier. That was a good thing because the batteries in my camera fell out. Don't ask me how that happened, but believe it or not I was able to find them after rummaging through and letting Eddy the wonder dog lead me right to them! Sometimes he shocks me.
This is actually a creek that runs through Creepy Woods. It was wet, but not running. Made it easy to jump over!
This path is made by our neighbor's 4 wheelers that buzz through here every so often. It helps to keep it walkable.
The first year we lived here, Jordan and his cousin Jono (who passed away at age 18 in 2004) made this "hut" in the woods. It was bigger and better put together then, but 9yrs and weather have left it still standing, but a bit altered. I usually pass by and smile to see it still standing and remember the two ornery boys who made it and wish Jono could see it...but I think maybe he does. Every time we find a white feather just randomly placed in our paths, I know he does.
After about an hour of tromping through the wet and cool woods, Eddy and I headed in and I checked the chili I had left simmering on the stove. All was well so I turned on the Halloween lights above the kitchen fireplace, decided it was the perfect day to hunker down and enjoy the coziness of a quiet house. Move over Squeak, I just might have to join you!


Karen Whittal said...

Hi there, that sounds awesome, wish I could join you, my kind of weather and definitely my kind of activity, just love your part of the world. How is the "ouch" finger doing lots of love Karen

Susan Anderson said...

Can't believe you found those batteries.

Love that you find those white feathers...


Hope said...

what a lovely post! It was like I was walking right there with you. Thank you for sharing part of your day.


Rose said...

glad you had the day off. i love to walk in the woods. the temp. are good to do that and then get warm in the house. thanks for the photos. thanks for your comment on my post re dogs. rose

Mrs Catch said...

That wood is fantastic! My boys would never come out.

Donna said...

Glad you had a good day off. Have a great trip to Chicago and wish the newlyweds much happiness!!!
P.S. The Spanakopita is delish!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post and wonderful photos!♥

CHERI said...

Wish I had been with you in the Creepy Woods...sounds like fun! And about those white feathers...I believe that angels in our lives leave us little hints that they've been there. Bet your Halloween party will be a hoot! Can't wait to hear about it.

Rose said...

jumping back re my post tears. as a much younger person, i would hold tears now like you it's tears for joy as well as sadness. i wanted to do this subject as it seems alot of bloggers apologize for thei emotions, esp. anger, sadness. there's alot of sad people. rose