Friday, October 15, 2010

The End..of the week

Yes, it's the most beloved day of the week. Friday. It's been a crazy busy week. Today is no exception. When you see this line up you either join in, hop in front of the line, or take a pic to blog about it.
Yes, we work hard prove it here are two hard working nurses leaning against the crash cart obviously engaged in a very technical conversation.
This pic reminds me of the Sesame Street song..."one of these things does not belong here"...can you guess? It's brown. We're blue. He's fixing something for us so we let him stay.
Today was Dr. B's 40th birthday...he's just a baby! We had a carry in lunch. Have you ever seen so many crock pots in your life? There are many great cooks who disguise themselves as nurses! Food was delish and I know he liked it. He liked it so much that after his last case he injected both my knees with cortisone to celebrate. I only winced, jumped a little and didn't even cry! Hmmm, I wonder what he'll do to me on his 50th?
This lovely cheese tray was sent by Donna's (starkeyhollow) husband to thank us for, as he put it, our friendly help in giving him pain. The knee will heal and you will forget the pain Larry. That's the same bull they told me when I had my kids...liars. Hey, thanks for the cheese tray though!
October is half over and I would like to take a moment to pause and remember that it's also breast cancer awareness month. Here in surgery we honor that in our own special way. We wear pink gloves all month and also these cute masks are available. If you make the pic bigger you will see the little pink ribbons on the mask...also you will see the wrinkles on my face. Those were not handed out, I earned them all by myself... with a lot of help from my children.


Donna said...

LOVE that backrub line!!! Somehow I never get in it enough...ha!
Food looks awesome and I wish Dr. B the best of birthdays!! He is a terrific guy! Larry's knee is better each day, thanks to you all!!
P>S> You don't have wrinkles...just little mask crinkles!!!

Hope said...

all of you guys look great. Food looks delicious and I didn't see any wrinkles.

thank you for sharing this. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
take care

Karen Whittal said...

Are you sure that the doctor didn't give you botox instead of cortisone???? I don't see wrinkles......... thanks for inviting us all to share in the feast......

Mrs Catch said...

What a fun crew you all look like. And that line-up of crock-pots is awesome. It's a wonder the electrical points held up!

Wander to the Wayside said...

Nurses are totally awesome! Contrary to what your photos show, they are the hardest working group of people on the planet!

My dad was in and out of the emergency room when he had alzheimers and a heart condition, and as I sat for hours in his room I would be the fly on the wall listening to the nurses interacting. They were wonderful to me, and obviously had a good working rapport (at least when out from behind closed doors.)

It looks like you have a good group of people there, and I think it's great that you have these little get-togethers and celebrations. Thanks for letting us look in the door!

Susan Anderson said...

What a great post. I am a BIG fan of nurses. Especially you!


PS. Looks like you have a neat group of friends at work.

Stacy said...

It's fun to have such a nuturing bunch of co-workers. I might have to bring the massage line to Osborn! I didn't see any wrinkles either! Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face.

CHERI said...

If I need to go into the hospital I hope it's filled with wonderful people like where you work. Ya'll look like you have tons of fun! Love the pink gloves!

Amy and Craig said...

love your lovely brown eyes! Speaking of children, I thought for sure we would have gotten a kid with those same brown eyes. no such luck! well, I guess we can always hope it'll show up in the grandkids (15 yrs from now!).

Rose said...

that's alot of food. happy blated birthday, Doc. yes, everyone looks busy. take care rose