Monday, August 31, 2020

OOPS We Did It Again!

I had to take a quick trip to August 31st, 2019 to see what I had posted about this special day. What's so special?  Today marks 46 years of marriage to my best friend and co-conspirator in married life!  Happy Anniversary Jack.  Yes, oops we did it again.  Managed to make it through another year.  I will say that this year has been a year of firsts.  For me it was the first time for wearing masks outside of the operating room.  For you, a first for wearing a mask anywhere and everywhere.  Firsts for living through a pandemic that changed how we worked, played, traveled, or even going to the dentist! First year since we married that my Mom hasn't wished us a Happy Anniversary. First time I have not been a working gal in ages and ages.  I know for many in this world there are first that have changed their lives permanently.  We now have friends who are widows and friends that have passed. We're getting older and we know that will become a...dare I say this.."New Normal".  Walking this morning gave me time to reflect on these past 46 years.  There were times that made wonderful memories I have stored in my heart.  Like a treasure chest of happiness. I don't want to forget the hard times though. They were the school of learning that paved the way to better decisions and the ability to give our kids advice they really didn't want or need!  I have much to be grateful for.  We have had the support of our families over the years and good friends who were a comfort and a good time, depending on the day!  So for now I'll hug my memories while I still have them in a mind that's not completely gone yet! I'll say what I always say about life. It goes fast, stop and smell the roses and don't can always be worse! But mostly I hope it will always be better:

Here's to a moment caught in time...the best first date ever!

Here's to more dances in life with you!
Here's to more adventures and cool cars!
Here's to staying in the boat of our crazy life!

Here's to our littles who grew up:

To be good men, wonderful husbands, and fabulous dads and who brought us Grandkiddos as a gift for giving us our gray hair!

Happy Anniversary! 


Julia said...

Happy Happy Anniversary Yaya and Jack. I remember those hairdos and the funky clothes, lol. Kidding aside, those were the good old days. I'm sure your mom is wishing you both Happy Anniversary from heaven. Congratulations on the 47th Anniversary.

Stay safe and well.
Hugs, Julia

joeh said...

I wore those pants on the golf course back in the day. Mine were bell bottom.

betty said...

Happy anniversary to the two of you! Jack's hair way back when!! Great pictures of you/family through the years. I bet you just can't imagine where those 46 years went and why they went so fast!!!!!!! To many more!!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Anniversary. I enjoyed seeing your pictures and memories of a lifetime. May you have many more years of love!

jack69 said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Wonderful in this day. And YES it is great to be married to your bet friend. He is also another lucky JACK.
Sending love from Arkansas tonight,
Sherry, jack & JJ on the road.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Yaya!

My official return to blogging isn't until tomorrow, but I didn't want to miss this opportunity to drop by and wish you and Jack a happy 46 year wedding anniversary! I'm a sentimental softie, and this series of pictures tracing the timeline of your married life tugged at my heart. I am verklempt. I wish your dear mother were here to utter those words you so loved to hear every year. You were a beautiful teenager, beautiful bride and remain beautiful to this day. I share your joy and Jack's as you look back at all you have been through, look around at the wonderful family your union has produced, and look ahead to sharing more of life's ups and downs together. Bless you both, dear friend YaYa!

acorn hollow said...

I love your first day picture with the crazy hair and pants. Happy Anniversary we will be 45 this year in October where have the years gone? You certainly have a wonderful family to show for it.

Prims By The Water said...

Love the first date pic! That alone reveals your age. Happy Anniversary you youngsters! Janice

CHERI said...

HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. This post really resonated with me. This Sunday I will have been to 4 funerals in less than 4 weeks and all but one have been for what to me are "young people" 39, one 50, and one 47. My heart has just been full of so much sadness. I have always tried to remember to count my blessings, but I have been thinking about that much more lately. 2020 has certainly been a trying year. I am praying 2021 will be better but I can't help but wonder...or maybe it's just because I'm so down these days. I remember thinking that 2020 had such a nice ring to it. Never in a million years would I have dreamed what this year has turned into. But we have to think positively and always remember that God is in control and He is with us through anything and everything.

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