Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Different Type Of Patient

 Arnold..aka Arnie...had his surgery on Tuesday to fix the torn ligament on his back leg.  He did good but the Vet said it was a really bad tear and will take time to heal.  I still can't believe he did so much damage to  his leg when he fell off the car seat.  He never yelped or whimpered ever..just limped or hopped on 3 legs. Now he has a big incision and came home with the "cone of shame" as they call it.

Here he is on the way to the doggie hospital.  He loves to ride in the car but I felt bad knowing he wouldn't be too happy when he had to stay and I had to leave.  He's such a good dog but inside the clinic he kept looking at the door to leave and I felt like the bad guy!  

That cone made it impossible for him to eat.  Not sure how he ate at the vet's but we took it off for him here.  He hasn't touched the leg but if we leave him at home for any time we'll put it back on.  He's not a super active dog unless he thinks he may get some food! We're really going to try harder to get more weight off of  him which will help him walking and us having to carry him up and down stairs to get outside.  He gets his stitches out in 2 weeks and it will take a minimum of 8 weeks to recover.  I hope my back holds out picking him up and carrying him!  I thought I was free from patient care after I retired.  I didn't bank on this different kind of patient care!  Heal good little Arnie! 


jack69 said...

Aw Shucks, he is so cute and I am sure a great patient. Hope all heals well. I know puppies hate that cone, I don't blame them. LOL
Take care and enjoy the patient.
Sherry, jack & Jj in Oregon for a day or two.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

Thanks for giving us an update on Arnie. I've been thinking about him and awaiting your report. I well know the guilty feeling you get as you head for the door to leave the vet's office and your loving, trusting pet wonders why he or she isn't going along home with you. It's a tough moment for both of you. If Arnie isn't gnawing at the incision, that's great news. Toto had two or three operations over the years and would immediately start licking and chewing at them if we removed the plastic cone. Arnie's site could start itching as it heals, and it warrants keeping a close eye on him. It certainly will help matters to keep excess weight off your pet. Mrs. Shady and I made the mistake of overfeeding Toto and giving her too many table scraps. This went on a few years and she gained a considerable amount of weight. As a result the vet required us to put her on a strict diet, a dry food she didn't like. It made us sad to eat our daily meals without offering her any scraps no matter how much she begged. I will keep my buddy Arnie in my prayers and hope that he heals well in the weeks ahead.

I want to let you know that I will probably miss one of two of your upcoming posts. Starting this weekend, I am taking a break from blogging to focus on important family matters and simply get some much needed rest unplugged from social media. I hope to resume full service blogging on Wednesday, September 2. Until we meet again, take good care of yourself, Arnie and the rest of your family, dear friend YaYa!

acorn hollow said...

He will be back to his old self soon I am sure. You are a good nurse.

betty said...

Poor Arnie!! Its so hard for them because they don't know what is going on. Can't seem to grasp it all. Winslow will feel that way in 2 weeks when he goes in to be neutered. Stay well and be careful with your back!


Julia said...

Awe, poor little Arnie, that sweet face. He reminds me of my little Mitzy. She looked just like him. What a stroke of bad luck to damage his leg in that freak accident.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I'm glad that you finally retired but somehow, I would have never expected this bad luck. You have had quite a difficult year. I hope that things will turn around for you son.
Stay well and safe.
Hugs, Julia

Unknown said...

Bless little Arnie's heart! Hope he heals well. At least he has great nurse to tend to him:)

Prims By The Water said...

Aaww poor baby. Hope he is feeling better. Janice

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