Monday, November 25, 2019

A Turkey Sat On A Backyard Fence

I don't have any turkeys sitting on fences here at the Pines.  My title is the first line of a Thanksgiving song Jack always used to sing to the kids when they were little.  It's about a turkey who sings a "sad, sad song"...Thanksgiving day is coming, gobble, gobble, gobble, and I know I'll be eaten soon....whoa, that sounds so morbid now that I write it down! Ha! Poor kids! Anyway, we had our Thanksgiving dinner with the kids yesterday.  I prepared everything on Saturday and just had to pop the sides into the oven.  Even the turkey was done the day before, sliced and then put into a roaster and warmed up yesterday. All the food turned out great and we gathered together as planned minus a few kiddos who couldn't make it because of work or were out of town.  I took a few pics but somehow I managed to lose them somewhere in my files.  Oh well.  The weather yesterday was great and after dinner we gathered in the living room to look at some photos and talk and laugh.  My son Phil noticed my hubby wasn't around and wondered where he went.  I found him upstairs.  He was in excruciating pain. It appeared to be an incarcerated hernia.  Jack had complained of some pain earlier in the day but it went away and all was good. After dinner all wasn't good!  So he got up to go to the hospital but then proceeded to lose all the dinner he just ate..poor guy!  I took him to the emergency room where he was checked out.  Yes, he had an incarceration but thankfully it reduced itself while we were there.  After some lab work we headed for home.  He sees the surgeon tomorrow and we'll see what happens next.  So turkey day didn't turn out the exact way we planned.  The kids were great and stayed and cleaned up and put all the food away and Jordan stayed with Arnold until we got home.  A little disappointing but still we had lots to be thankful for.  A great family that we did get to spend some time with yesterday and their love and support for their Dad and me as we dealt with an unusual turn of events. Today is our oldest son's birthday.  We had an usual Thanksgiving when he was born 44 years ago.  He was 2 months premature weighing in at 2lbs, 10oz....15in. long. To have a baby that little 44 years ago and have a good outcome is amazing.  Just like Jackie is!  Happy birthday son...we love you!
Now...Time does go by fast! So we'll have a quiet rest of this week, hopefully, and who knows what we'll be doing on Thursday. Counting our blessings? For sure!  I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving and hope you're counting all your blessings too.  And if you see a turkey on a backyard fence....well, just let him go!


joeh said...

Tough day, hope all turns out well with surgery.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

Golly, what a revolting development, what an alarming turn of events, dear friend! I'm so sorry Jack took ill. I sat here and read your post aloud to Mrs. Shady the healthcare professional. She knows all about incarcerated hernia and explained it to me. I am so happy to know that Jack was able to be discharged from the ER and come home pending further analysis. It must have been a very tense day and evening for your whole family. It was nice of Jord to dogsit Arnie. I pray for the best possible prognosis and outcome when Jack meets with the surgeon.

Happy 44th birthday to Jackie! His is an inspiring story of survival, of beating the odds. How proud and thankful you must be.

Mrs. S and I are away from home visiting family members across the state through Thanksgiving. I wish you and your family a safe, peaceful and happy holiday week, dear friend YaYa!

jack69 said...

Enjoyed the family stuff. Love to read of families still getting together at Thanksgiving. We sorta dropped it when they all had families of their own and In-laws to visit also.
BUT of course so sorry to hear about Jack, hoping things are much better.
Yeah, and it always amazes me the size of 'premmies', and what they grow into. Our Son and wife had twins premature at around 2 lbs. and see them now you would have never thought it.
Thanks for inviting us to the family time.
Love from here'
Sherry & jack

betty said...

Oh wow your poor hubby! Glad to hear that for the time being he is doing okay, but I'm sure he will be looking at surgery down the line. Happy birthday to your son! What is amazing is how well he did back 44 years ago when they didn't have all the stuff they have now for premmies. However you spend the day, I know you will be thankful for so much! Happy Thanksgiving!


acorn hollow said...

So sorry but glad he was able to go home and no emergency surgery.
Happy thanksgiving it will be quiet for us also but that is fine it will give us time to decorate for Christmas.

Julia said...

Oh Yaya, what a story. I'm sorry it turned out that way but glad that your hubby will be OK.
Happy Belated Birthday to your son Jackie.
Talking about turkey, we had our Thanksgiving on October the 14th but at the moment I have a humongous turkey in the oven. A customer of my husband gave us a fresh turkey and I can't fit it in my freezer. I could hardly lift it, it was so heavy. I guess we'll be eating turkey for a while and will have to share with family. Maybe it will be a second Thanksgiving.
Hugs, Julia

Rick Watson said...

Dang! I didn’t see that coming. We’ll be sending healing thoughts his way.

Prims By The Water said...

That kinda did sound morbid. Glad to hear your hubby is doing better. Also glad your early Thanksgiving was a hit! Always nice when family can get together. My nephews live in NC now and they both will be home this Christmas. Cannot wait! Also Happy birthday to your son. Janice

Gin said...

Oh my, wishing jack a quick recovery from his Thanksgiving episode. You did have a few hours of thanksgiving with the family,. We had a 4pm thanksgiving at our youngest son and wife’s new home. I “shared” all the kids with their spouses family’s for the noon meal, and we just all met up at 4. It was a little different for me, but we still had a sweet good time, the little ones played, we drew names for Christmas as we normally do, and had a good time talking and laughing.

CHERI said...

Sure hope your dear hubby is better by now. I've been so tied up with so many things (along with some health issues of my own) that I've not been blogging or commenting lately. I have got to get back into the swing of things!!!! Sorry your Thanksgiving wasn't the best, but as you said your family was there and that's the most important. Hope the Christmas season will bring much better times:)

Susan Anderson said...

I'm reading backwards, so I already know Jack got the surgery. Glad all is well.
And what a cute birthday boy!

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