Thursday, January 4, 2018

Is It Cold Out?

Today the weather was a big part of our conversations at work.   We have a TV in our break room but it's very seldom on because everyone is always looking at their phones.  However,  today the weather station was turned on just to see the temps and the "cyclone bomb" out East.  OK,  I'd be a liar if I said we weren't smirking at the shots from South Carolina's snow and the 44 degree temps in Miami. Us Northerners can be mean!   Still,  the conversations going on were kind of funny.   Here's how one dialog went:  "Hey, I thought it was suppose to be really cold outside today" (This is at 7 AM)   Someone chimed in and said:  "Yeah, I walked outside and thought it was pretty warm!"  I had to put my 2 cents in:  "I know! My car thermometer said it was 18 degrees! I don't know what everyone is complaining about."   We all agreed that it would be really cold by tomorrow so I guess I'll have to wait and see how the talk goes in the morning.  This afternoon one of our co-workers came in from another hospital building down the road all bundled up from head to toe.  I heard at least 3 people ask her if it was cold outside.  Seriously?  She had a few words to say about the cold and I won't print them here because it's a family blog after all.  So, I'll ask the million dollar question:  "Is it cold outside in your neck of the woods?"   Hello January.


joeh said...

Cold for NJ, and getting colder!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

This is one of the few times I am able to report genuinely cold weather here in Central Florida. Cold air has been blowing in on a gusty wind for days now and overnight temps have plunged into the mid 30s in our area with snow and ice storms hitting northern parts of the peninsula. I am enjoying it to the fullest, going outdoors every chance I get. Last evening after my workout I stepped outside with no shirt on and cooled myself off in the frigid wind. Opportunities to do something like that don't come often and it was invigorating.

I might be rushing the season a bit, but I urge you to start preparing your backyard pool for the grandkiddos' swimming parties. It won't be long now! :)

Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend YaYa!

Julia said...

Here we weathered the big snowstorm, got the water running in the calf barn again and got a new baby calf.
I'm now ready for a nap and you're ready for a backyard swimming pool party. You crazy woman but I gotta love you.
HUgs, Julia

Karen said...

It is 15 in Greenville NC and I love it. I do not think this is cold unless you run outside naked which I don't plan to do. Wear layers hat, scarf, and mitts and go to go. Now below zero maybe I would think different!