Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bring on the fall fun!

We ventured out today to Malabar Farm, it's a working farm that's actually a state park. They do alot of conservation things and it's a neat place to visit even if there isn't an event going on! There were reenactors from the both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War as well as many demos and craft booths. Not to mention the food booths. Well, I could mention kettle corn, apple butter, roasted cinnamon nuts, homemade rootbeer....Ok, I'll stop!
They look deep in conversation. The reenactors were awesome, alot of cool looking uniforms.

This is a fun way to tour the area! We actually walked however, being the pioneers that we are.

This pic is for Midge, she loves a man in uniform.
Read his sign, maybe he should run for President! butter, Looks like way too much work, but smells great!
These guys sure beat the gas prices! (unless you're standing behind them)
I want this tepee for our backyard...Please???

We can't go anywhere that Jack doesn't meet people he knows. He met Daryl when he served in the civil war and Al when he fought the Indians....just kiddding! Indians didn't wear sunglasses did they??? We actually met Santa Claus from Home Hardware also but I didn't take his picture, I didn't want to blow Santa's cover... Jack really does know these characters...really!!
It was a fun, fall, cool, overcast kinda day..The outdoor campfires made everything smell great and we enjoyed the walk around the area. I love this time of year!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Take me to the fair!

Jack suggested a date night to the Ashland County Fair.."Great!" I said, with visions of funnel cakes, onion rings, and cobbler dancing in my head. The weather was perfect, nice and cool. (of course I forgot to bring a jacket) We saw many nice folks we know and visited all the regular hot spots: hobby barn, homemakers displays, merchant buildings, animal barns, agricultural barn. Oh, did I mention food booths? It always smells so good out there! We walked around for a couple of hours, then headed for home, all fat and sassy and full of fair food. Upon walking in the house and Jack checking for any messages on the phone, I suddenly remembered I was suppose to lead a book discussion at Enrichment night! What a loser I am! I owe someone an apology. I can't believe I forgot. Actually I can believe it, I'm me after all. Well, here are some pics of our fun date. (Atleast it was fun before I forgot I should have been somewhere else)
This sign just made me smile...Everyone loves our hog butts! Awesome

Of course, there is always the odd and curious veggie display...I can figure out the top one, but the next one? What do you think?

This will make a great Jack-o-lantern!(no I didn't grow it, darn)

Now Jack, you can't buy that nice cow...poor thing, it's headed for turk brothers (cow heaven)

Here I am standing in line at the funnel cake booth...oops, silly me! That's a horse's _ _ _.

The oxen were a big draw this year...."what you lookin' at?" Thanks for coming to fair with me!
P.S. I'm really sorry I forgot about Enrichment night, truly I am......

fact or fiction?

These are hedge apples......cute huh??

First: This is fact....My hubby is awesome! Thanks Jack for the cute flowers in the pumpkin. Very festive and a nice surprise to find when I got home from work.

Now for the fiction: Do hedge apples really keep spiders away? I get some almost every fall and place them in the basement. I think that it keep the spiders away, but I'm taking a poll....Yes? or No? You decide....I'll let you know for sure if I don't see any spiders this fall and winter.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Winds In..Lights out!

We had a wind storm Sunday afternoon. Trees were blowing around like crazy and of course they fell on power lines. We had winds up to 70m.per hour until midnight..morning came and what a mess! They closed our road because of downed power lines. We did the sensible thing of course, drove over them to go to work. The big tree limbs are at the house were Amy and I were peeping toms (that's another story), then I went and checked out the Creepy Woods to see how many trees were down. Not too bad, just a few big limbs. Dinner was cooked on the grill...bacon, eggs, and pancakes to use up what I could in the fridge. Our freezer was pretty empty of meat, and tomorrow we will throw everything out that's left in there. I stayed home today and emptied the fridge and cleaned it up along with other things that needed done. For just a few days Jack said we lived in a gated community! I learned some things about myself during this pioneer time. 1. I'm no pioneer 2. I miss my vaccum more than the tv 3. I miss the computer more than the vaccum 4. I love Thomas Edison and his lovely electric light bulbs 5. I can flush a toilet with pool water 6. I can take a very cool gallon jug shower and come out clean 7. I don't really need to dry my hair 8. I can apply makeup by candlelight. 9. I look better in candlelight 10. Hot wax from candles hurts! Well, time for a real shower with hot water and I just might sleep with the lights on tonight..wait, I look better by candlelight and I look absolutely gorgeous with the lights off. CLICK

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grown up babies and creepy woods

Remember my "babies" from an earlier post? Well, they're all grown up and we're enjoying the fruits of our labor. Some of the pumpkins were ready to be picked and I have a few more almost ready. We've enjoyed the tomatoes and zucchini and peppers. I never grew sunflowers before but they are really pretty and BIG! They just scream autumn to me....Then there is the "Creepy Woods" as Katie calls it. The paths are very overgrown and this week I'm going to clean all that up. We've had very little mosquito problems this year and I will enjoy some time walking in the creepy woods. I love that name and I think a cool sign should be made to post at the entrance. We're not having a halloween party this year, so a spooky woods won't be done, but if anyone wants to wander threw, you're more than welcome! I think the pic with the white flowers is a good example of how even weeds can be pretty. Last but not least is Jack's new hobby...dehydrating things. Things like cherry tomatoes, apples, peppers, bananas. I just wish I could crawl in on the tray and come out much smaller like that tomato! He was sure I was going to make fun of him on this post, but actually I think it's pretty cool...Good job Babe!


Saturday, Amanda's girlfriends had a surprise baby shower at the Olive Garden. She was very surprised and she received many nice and cute things for this new Starkey baby girl due any time now. I know she can't wait for that, but I think she looks very good and she has tons of heartburn so I thinking this little one will have tons of hair! They haven't decided on a name yet. They want to see her little face first, then decide. Can't wait!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Egg!

Today is Craig's birthday and I thought I would embarrass him by showing a few pics of his life. First here's me at his baby shower. He's the lump under the red shirt...then of course here's his first pic ever...awww, so cute...then there's the time he fell in the tub after his bath, poor thing! Then he and his bro Jack with their Mommo...Last but not least is his audition picture for the movie BIG...unfortunately Tom Hanks won over him...Well, Happy Birthday Craigie Eggie! Let's see....who's birthday is next???Oh yea, Jackie. This is going to be good!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day weekend in Chicago

We went to Chicago this past weekend and Jack and I were able to visit my brother Phil's new house. We love it! It's in the cutest little town called Morris and it's on the Ill. river. It's an hour from Mom's and very country indeed! It's Phil and Bonnie's little piece of heaven after a busy work day in the city. We definitely have pole barn envy. It's huge inside and part of it has an office that house 2 very lucky cats with their own TV room! There's a "man room" complete with pool table.. The inside of the house is lovely and the sun room is a place I would never leave. We took a tour of downtown Morris but I left my camera at the house, so no pics...It's a very busy old fashion downtown with cute shops and people actually shop there without going to a strip mall or big shopping center. We had a yummy lunch and then on to icecream at the neatest little icecream and candy shop. I was so mad that I had left the camera. Thanks Phil and Bonnie for the fun Saturday complete with tour of your boat too! We'll be back! (just a warning)

Sorry this pic is sidewase... Jack and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary on Sunday so we went to church with Mom at the church we were married in. Or as we called it: going back to the scene of the crime! Time sure goes fast, but I've loved every minute of it...Happy anniversary babe!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fun times!

We went to Greg and Deidra's on Sunday and as you can see we had some yummy burgers and good food to chow on! Thanks guys, we really had a nice time. A trip home would not be complete without a side trip to my fav outdoor shopping center, Oakbrook.... I love that place... The flowers were very pretty and I think Mom looks good too! Katie stopped by in uniform to say hi, not to arrest her Gram!