Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Happy Birthday Cam-Man!

 August is moving right along and so are some birthday wishes.  Yesterday our Grandson  Cameron turned 17.  Wow, wasn't he just a little guy?  We joined with his Mom and sister and his other Grandparents, along with our son Jack (his Dad!) to watch him blow out those candles in one fell swoop!

He's a great kiddo who's quiet like his Dad and also super smart.  They just found out he's the top of  his class!  He also works at a local Dairy Queen and loves his video games.  Typical teen! Love  you Cam! Happy Birthday!   Here's some of the other players in this celebration:
His Mom, Stephanie. Even though she and my son are divorced, everyone gets along and we celebrate these times together.  I'm grateful for that with no drama!
His sister Summer.  Notice the artwork on the walls? Many of those are Summer's! She's very talented and this party room is a great place to display her work!

Summer and her Dad along with her constant companion, Happy!
Cameron opening his presents next to his Grandpa Jerry on one side and PawPaw (Jack) on the other. We gave the gift that keeps on know, money!  It was a nice evening after the storms that rolled through our area.  Cleveland really got hit hard with rain and wind and lots of outages and damages.  We got the much  needed rain but no problems, thankfully.  Not much else really happening around these parts but watching the garden start to produce.
Green beans are coming in and soon the canner will be humming along.  We've enjoyed the fresh off the vine tomatoes.  I dream of these all winter!  I know it means work with picking, making sauce, canning and such but they make me smile in the winter seeing them all lined up on the shelf in those glass jars!

Not sure if you can see the rain in this pic but we're very grateful the storms that have passed through and given us and the farmers some relief.  It's been a hot summer and the humid days are not my favorites but cooler temps are heading this way over the weekend and I'll enjoy that!  However,
I know it's still 46 days away...not that I'm counting...but the stores are already gearing up for that season of candy, pumpkins, and ghouls!
Witches hats and jack-o-lanterns are lining the shelves.

Ghoul blend and pumpkin pie M&M's...Yes Please!!!  I read a meme that said, "I like sweater weather more than sweaty weather"! I have to agree but I'm really going to try and enjoy this last month of Summer.  We have a few activities that include a barbeque and a trip to Lake Erie in the next few weeks along with a visit from our kiddos in Oregon at the end of this month to help us celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  Hopefully that will be a blog worthy post to end August! Until then I'll be on the lookout for something to write home about!  Sweaty hugs from Ohio!


joeh said...

Pretty sure no 1 in your class is not typical teen, at least none of my teens lol. 17 years is enough with the candles, looking like a fire hazard.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy birthday to your grandson! Yes, I am looking forward to fall as well. I hope your week is going well. See you again soon!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

Yessum, I can answer your question. Seems like only yesterday that Cameron was just a little guy. He was but a wee tike when I started following you and the gang at Whispering Pines. Congratulations, Cam, on hitting the 17 year milestone and for your stellar academic achievements as well. It's nice to see pics of the birthday boy (young man) along with Jack, Jerry, Stephanie, Jackie, Summer and granddog Happy. That really is a groovy room decorated with Summer's artwork!

Like you, Mrs. Shady and I are enjoying cooler temps and a week of rain to break the drought, and it looks like we will be spared any rough stuff from the remnants of tropical storm Debby as it passes through our area.

Yessum, the year is racing by, and before long it'll be time for you to turn your home into 1313 Mockingbird Lane in the weeks leading up to your favorite holiday, Halloween. I can't wait to see this year's spooktacle. I will be off duty at the end of the month, and therefore I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and Jack and very happy 50th wedding anniversary! I predict the Creepy Woods yeti will rent a tux for the special occasion.

Stay well, dear friend YaYa, and come see me at Shady's Place this coming Sunday, Monday or Tuesday if at all possible. Blessings to you and your family!

Susan Kane said...

Pumpkin pie m&ms? what a great party for your gr-son! Family all together, rejoicing. Our 2 gr=daughters (whom we held the day they were born) are now 18 & 20. I thought they were babies last week.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Happiest of birthday wishes to Cam! What a blessing that the parents can come together when it comes to the children. That would seem to be a rarity these days. Yes, I've been seeing all the shelves filling up with Halloween goodies. Always so tempting when I don't need a single thing more in that department. And it always seems that they come out with more tempting things. Since my hooking mojo is still on an extended walkabout, I've been stitching still and, of course, it has turned to spooky stitching. ;-) A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ya know. We are unseasonably cool here still...forecast says rain moving in for the weekend so I suppose we, too, will be partaking of Debby's "bounty." Enjoy your weekend! ~Robin~

Julia said...

Happy Birthday to your grandson, Cam. I know, it's unbelievable how fast the grandkids grow and how fast we get greyer by the day. It looks like a great party.

I've been busy picking cucumbers and beans and pickling and weeding. The deers have eaten the tomatoes at the farm and a lot of the green peppers. I have dome growing in my home garden but they were planted late and are just starting to produce. I have a feeling that we will have an early fall. It's been raining and cool during the nights.

Take care and enjoy the weekend.