Saturday, June 29, 2024

Slacker Blogger!

 It's been a few weeks..again...that I haven't posted. I don't know why I get behind but I was determined to get a quick post in tonight.  It's getting late but if I hurry it will still be Friday.  This weekend is Ashland's annual balloon festival. It started on Thursday.  The weather held up nicely but tomorrow rain is forecasted.  We usually do get rain during Balloon Fest but at least this year there were 2 days of balloon races.  Jack said he saw a bunch of balloons in the air this morning on his way to the office.  He leaves for work at 6:30am and this slacker girl was still asleep until 8:30! Yikes!  I told Jack I didn't know why I was so tired.  He said, "well, you worked 2 days in a row".  Wait, what?  I remember when I would work 14 days in a row and also be called out all night and still be going strong.  Oh yeah, that was a long time ago! I keep forgetting I'm not 35 or younger even if my brain thinks I am.  My body knows the truth!  There were balloon launches in the evening but they didn't fly over the Pines.  I was taking Annabelle for a walk at the cemetery and this was all I saw of the balloons.

Ha! Pathetic!  I don't go to Freer Field where all the action is because that's also where all the thousands of folks who travel here to enjoy the fun are located.  I've been to a few of the balloon festivities and frankly, if you've seen one balloon glow at night, you've seen them all!  I do enjoy watching them in the air  though.  I doubt there will be any tomorrow as strong storms are heading our way but maybe on Sunday morning the weather will cooperate for the final fly over.  Since I haven't posted in a bit I'll just show some pics from Father's Day and other things that I find on my phone. 
My oldest son, Jack, and his oldest, Anthony.
Pool time! Our weather was pretty hot for a few weeks.  Very usual for June here.  We had 6 straight days of 90 plus temps and that hasn't happened since the late 1800's.  Not sure it there was global warming in the late 1800's but I'm pretty sure they didn't have above ground pools to cool off in or central air either.  That's why I'm thankful to be born in this day and age.
A little cutie for you! This is Megan, my daughter-in-law Evenlyn's youngest. I remember when I was that thin...back in the "good old days" before I was just in the now old days! Ha! We had a really nice Father's Day cook out at Jack's and I enjoyed seeing the Grandkiddos and just having a nice relaxing day.  I can't believe that next week is July 4th already.  I did get some of my patriotic things up.
Kitchen fireplace decked out.
I found this cute vintage tablecloth when I was in Chicago.  Love it!
My sister gave me the patriotic table runner when I was visiting her.  Looks good in the dining room. Well, it's almost Saturday so to end this slacker blog post I'll finish with these random pics:
My hydrangea decided to bloom this year.  Love this flower.
Annabelle surveying her kingdom near sunset. The trees look almost Fall like in the setting sun.
Saw this little one on our cemetery walk the other evening.  I prefer to see them here than eating my apples off our trees!  
I spied this on my last physical therapy appointment the other day.  I can't believe they still have this stupid stuff from Covid but then it probably is stuck on pretty good after 4yrs!  I do kind of like staying 6ft away from folks in a health care facility!  Finally...
We had a couple of nice rainy days that were very needed after those long hot days.  This is how I spent one afternoon.  On the couch, book in hand, quiet music, the sound of the rain, and the view from the back of my eyelids!  It's what I call my meditation hour!  Well, I went past midnight so I guess I better head to bed for some real meditation time! Night all!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I admire you for staying up so late to complete this post for us. It gives me the opportunity to pay you a visit after you kindly came to see me in the midst of your busy work schedule, and to catch up on what's been happening at The Pines.

We had a hot spell similar to yours and now the daily high temps have dropped back to a more reasonable level, with periodic rain in the 10-day forecast to ease the drought. I am happy to be up north where we get at least some relief from the heat and humidity in summer and don't need to sweat out the hurricane season which promises to be a very active one this year.

When I lived in Florida, you will recall that we lived near an airport and were in the flight path of the hot air balloons that took to the air during the annual festival down there. Mrs. Shady and I used to run outside and wave to the folks occupying the balloons as they sailed overhead. I always knew they were approaching our house because I could hear the whooshing sound grow louder and louder.

In that picture of Jack and Anthony, it looks like the dog is using his tail to make shadow puppets on the porch. Do you see what I mean? :) What a unique moment! Hello to Megan! She certainly does look cute, worthy of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Mrs. Shady chooses the tablecloths and runners we put on our tables, and I am positive that she would love that vintage tablecloth you got in Chicago as well as the patriotic runner. I can almost smell those fresh, lovely hydrangea blooms from my side of the screen. Looks like my sweetie-pie Annabelle caught the scent of the Yeti in Creepy Woods mixed with the smell of the alpaca at the farm next door. A few weeks ago, Mrs. Shady and I were returning home in the car and entering the long driveway leading into our community. A tiny, wobbly fawn was in the road ahead. We waited while the young critter crossed the pavement and made its way into the adjacent woods. What a wonderful sight! Yessum, new COVID variants are beginning to assert themselves, reminding us that the health threat persists.

It was so nice to reconnect with you this month, YaYa. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July and I hope to see you again around the 16th of the month when I return to Shady's Place with Part 1 of a new two-part series focusing on a topic I haven't covered since my earliest weeks of blogging in the summer of 2008. I hope to see you then, dear friend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya. Glad to hear that you had a nice June. I love all the pictures of pool time. Reminds me of when we lived in Arizona and had a pool in the backyard. I love the picture of your hydrangea bush! Beautiful. I have several hydrangea bushes in my front yard and I love them! Like you, I don't have the energy and stamina I had when I was 30. How can that be?!? LOL. I hope you have a great weekend. See you again soon!

acorn hollow said...

My nurse friend said that she is seeing more covid right now than she did 4 years ago!
Oh how that age creeps up on us not fun.
You are always so busy great pictures of the family and a day on the couch is always nice.

TheCrankyCrow said...

As usual, you've been quite busy in quite a few ways. You're blessed to have so many family get-togethers. I think we've had but one hot day here. I think Nod is holding together the definition of "average" by balancing out the rest of the country's heat and drought with cold and rain. I'm not sure where exactly your brother is at since he sold his property at the lake, but the lake got hit really bad this past Monday - a tornado reportedly touched down. Some awful damage. I'm a bit nervous to see what I will find when I finally get back up there next week but the neighbor went up to check and said the house was ok. Love your blue hydrangeas. I've bought several blue ones over the years, but they never survived...but I have lots of others. My "Quick-fire" ones are out of control actually even though they get severely cut back each fall. Love your patriotic touches...and every time I see your kitchen fireplace, I fall in love all over. Hope you have a great weekend...Sun is finally showing its face here off and on but, of course, it is quite windy. ~Robin~

Julia said...

Dear Yaya, if you're a Blogger slacker, I'm the poster child of the Blogger Slacker. lol...
It's always great to read a post from you. You're blue Hydrangea is spectacular.
I had a blue Hydrengia and it always put out lots of branches but it never bloomed, so I pulled it out years ago and put a compost bin in it's place.

I noticed that I'm no longer a spring chicken either, especially this year, and having an injured right shoulder doesn't help. June sure went by fast. Canada Day, July 1st tomorrow. I love your patriotism.

I'ts raining AGAIN here. At this rate, I'll never catch up with my weeding. I've been so busyand I don't know in which direction to turn. A little down time would be nice. Happy 4th of July. Take care and enjoy the festivities.

Hugs, Julia

Prims By The Water said...

You are no slacker. Life just happens. When we want to cool off we o it in the river. No one has pools around here. With all of the 90 degree weather we also had, am sure the river has warmed up now. Wonderful pics of both your family and your patriotic decor! Especially think that tablecloth is the cutest vintage one I have seen. Janice

Therasia Fraire said...

I was diagnose of herpes virus year 2010 then my life got devastated i have no idea what I could do with my life anymore until I came across a old friend of mine tiffany whom we study together back then in college, she was an African America I explain to her my current health condition she laughed and say that is not a problem because she know a traditional herbal doctor from African whom will cure me completely with a herbal medicines I wow about the conversation then she gave me the herbal doctor email address Dr Jekawo replied my mail and I was so happy and he explained how the treatment will go through 25 days, I agreed I paid the preparation fee of the herbal medicines and I received the herbal product within few weeks after preparation of the herbal medicines, I drink the herbal medicine as instructed I must confess that Dr Jekawo is a great traditional herbal doctor I go for a rapid test I was cured completely then I recommend him to my mom whom suffering from dementia and my husband whom was suffering from prostate cancer also get cured by Dr Jekawo. I want to use this your platform to thank him so much and to also recommend him to anyone suffering from herpes,cancer,fibroid,prostate infection,parkinson,gonorrhea,hiv,chlamydia,diabets,hpv,hepatitis and so many diseases Dr Jekawo can cure with his ancestral herbal knowledge is beyond my imagination.