Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hello July!

 I didn't get a blog out on the 4th of July but I did celebrate with family and a good friend of ours joined the group too.  She's the lady I told you about who lost her husband this year. We try to make sure she's not alone on holidays.  Anyway, guess who didn't take a single pic on that day...yep, me! I just got so busy making sure everyone was eating and enjoying the rainy day I didn't think about picking up the camera or using my phone.  Yes, the rains came but the fireworks still went off as planned. We stayed home but my daughter-in-law and her daughter and granddaughter went.  The only pics I got were:

The carved wooden eagle our son did for Jack a few years ago got a quick holiday outfit on.
I have a star shaped cake mold that makes 6 cakes and I usually whip up a few for this holiday. It's hard to tell what it is from this shot but they had cherry filling and did get eaten! We also did ribs and homemade icecream.  The rain didn't stop us from eating!  We really needed the rain so no complaining about it!  I happened to be off that week since one of the Docs who works 3 days a week at the endoscopy unit was on vacation and that's who I usually work with so I took advantage of the time.  Annabelle and I took a little walk at Freer Field where the Balloon festival had been held.  It was pretty quiet that morning and temps were nice and cool.
I enjoy the trail through the woods.

Coming out of the woods I could spy a couple just sitting on a bench on the hill enjoying the beautiful morning.   Speaking of enjoying a beautiful morning, I took a minute to sit out on the deck one of the mornings and have my tea and toast and just enjoy the pretty day.

So far the bugs haven't been bad but with the warm and humid days we've just been having I'm sure the mosquitoes will arrive and sitting outdoors without screens isn't going to happen much.

On another morning walk we had to stop by and say hi to our alpaca friends...little cute Beano!
Annabelle likes to get up and personal!
This scared me for a minute but this alpaca was just sleeping in the leaves! She soon popped her head up and got up and moved to a new spot.  Well, that's all I've got for now.  I hope the warm weather isn't hurting anyone too badly. We have temps in the 80's with humidity and I'm trying not to complain but enjoy this season.  However, I know soon it will be Fall and then I'll have my happy face on!   


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

Realizing that you are posting less often lately, I am jumping at the chance to visit you a few days ahead of my monthly return to the blog scene. It's great to see you and to know that you and your family are AOK and had a nice 4th of July celebration in spite of the rainy weather. It was very kind of you to think of your friend in the wake of her recent loss and make sure she didn't spend the holiday alone. That carved wooden eagle is magnificent. My mother was fond of birds of all kinds. My childhood home had many pieces of bird wall decor and figurines, and she insisted on us getting a Mexican parrot as a pet instead of a dog. Unfortunately, the bird turned out to have a mean streak. It flew at our heads and pecked us bloody on several occasions.

Please send me 300 of your star cakes. Thank you! :) It's wonderful to see little Beano alpaca for the first time and to witness the young critter rubbing noses with my sweetie Annabelle. Like you, I am a bit surprised that we haven't had much of a problem with mosquitos so far this summer, nor have we encountered many houseflies. A couple of weeks ago, the day after a storm hit our area, we had a splendid sunny day with the temperatures remaining in the 70s. Mrs. Shady and I seized the opportunity to travel to a park and view the beautiful gardens and meadows. We had a wonderful time.

I'll be back with a new post this coming Tuesday and hope you can swing by and say hello. Take good care of yourself and enjoy the rest of your July, dear friend YaYa!

Julia said...

Oh my, those baby Alpaca are just too sweet. They melt my heart.
Your star cakes look appetizing. I'm glad that you took some time off from work.

It's been very hot and humid and it rains so very often that the hay still is standing in the field. It rains or showers about every other day. It's very difficult to even weed the gardens. The fields are so wet.

Take care, hugs.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya. I have been out of town and am doing a little blog catch-up tonight. So glad to hear that your July is going well. I hope that the coming week is a good one for you.


I'm glad you had some nice weather for your walk at Freer Field and enjoyed a peaceful morning with tea and toast. The photos of Annabelle and the alpacas are adorable – Beano looks especially cute! I can imagine the mosquitoes will soon make an appearance, so enjoy those outdoor moments while you can.

Here's to hoping for a pleasant transition into Fall. I’m sure it will bring more beautiful days and new adventures!

By the way, I just posted a new blog entry on how to style jeans and a tank top for date night. I’d love for you to check it out when you have a moment.

Therasia Fraire said...
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