Wednesday, September 6, 2023

30 Days Hath September

 Do you remember the 30 days poem? I used to say it when little so I could remember how many days in each month.  Now the days are flying by and the 30 days hath  September reminds me that it won't be long before November's 30 days will be upon us!   I do love this month as it ushers in Fall officially.  I seem to find projects galore this time of year.  Maybe it's the cooler temps that are trying to make it to us here in Ohio.  We've been blessed not to suffer the heat like many areas.  This past week was the hottest but that's not usual for this time of year.  Next week is looking more to my likes!  As I mentioned in my previous post I decided to paint the living room.  No biggie...or so I thought.  Turns out as I've grown a bit older, the painting isn't as quick and easy as in the past.   No worries though as it's almost done and soon I can get things back in order.  We joke that it's because we decided to get a bigger TV.  The old TV cabinet was given to a friend but then we had to buy another console to hold the big TV.  Jack had to assemble that. While doing that I decided to repaint.  Doing that had me rethinking debulking the book shelves...painting those too.  Well, my advice to everyone is never buy a big TV!   In the mean time, Jack has had his own projects.

When we had the sidewalk put in the porch steps had to go.  So Jack put in the new steps and will now get the railing on.  After each finished thing I always envision a big check mark...CHECK..another one done!   The garden is doing it's own project...growing, growing, grown!  I've been canning a bit and giving lots away. Along with working this summer and keeping up with the lawn and garden I've grown a bit overwhelmed.  I was hoping that next week the hospital wouldn't need me but I stupidly agreed to work 2 days.  That doesn't sound like a lot but it does dig into my time.  Oh well, I'll stop complaining and give you a little mystery I found.   I was taking Annabelle for a walk in our favorite place to stroll..the city cemetery.   I happened to look down as see this little headstone that I never noticed before:
It's hard to see in this pic but it says "ZOE".  That's it.  No date, nothing.  Is it the resting place of a child?  I don't think they bury pets here.  It's also pretty close to this tree.  The stone doesn't look new and tree is pretty old.  Anyway, it gives one cause to pause.  Any thoughts?  So as the 30 days hath September goes on I hope to complete my projects, go on a little trip in 2 weeks to the East coast, and just take some time to enjoy my favorite time of year.  I've been buying a few little items for our Halloween party in October and I couldn't resist this charming gentleman..
I'm in love!


Julia said...

Maybe you can call that skeleton Zoe. He looks like he just came out of the cemetery. lol...
I know what you mean by slowing down as you get older. I find it's the same with me. Everything seems to be slower going and more challenging than a few years ago. I hope that you'll share pictures of your newly painted project.

Take care, Hugs,

jack69 said...

Can't believe you bought a skeleton!! LOL That is a great Halloween 'presence'.
Yep like the paint job, something we underestimate our stamina.

Steps can be tricky and are not as easy to install as they look.... Those look good.
ZOE? recon someone snuck their pet into the cemetery?

TAke care and Yes That September poem sticks in my head... I still use it...

Sherry & jack trying to smile..... It is working...

Kay G. said...

Does your city cemetery have records of those who are buried there? You could try to find out about "Zoe" for us. Zoe means "life" in Greek, doesn't it? I have always liked that name.

My dear, I find that I THINK I can do anything....but then, my body reminds me that I can't...or at least, not just as quickly as I used to be able to!

Oh dear, that big skeleton. I can only think how much that would have scared me as a kid. Are kids scared of anything these days?

You know I remember the poem about the months! All the years of being a travel agent, I used to recite it to folks all the time when they wanted to book a trip on Sept. 31st!! LOL!

TheCrankyCrow said...

30 hath September, April, June and November... My mom always said that - how could I forget it? Me, though, I always used the knuckle mnemonic. Old ways. Stops and porch look great as I'm sure your paint project does. But I know all about that domino effect thing. Our whole WWR era began with a toilet that malfunctioned and could not be repaired believe it or not. Love your new Mr. Bones...he does look like you dragged him back from the cemetery. The Zoe gravestone is, indeed, puzzling. I'd be tempted to seek out someone from the cemetery to see if they can provide any insight...but, I would venture, like Sherry posited, that someone associated with the cemetery may have snuck a beloved pet in...or perhaps some poor deceased soul cajoled the staff into allowing their pet to be buried nearby? Or last guess would be a child who was moved to be near parents and squeezed in where they could? Fascinating in any event. ~Robin~