Sunday, February 26, 2023

Time Travel

 I was reading an article on YAHOO the other day about a man who claims to have been a time traveler. Now take in the fact that it's a YAHOO read and most of the time those stories are bunk.  However, it got me thinking about how I would feel about being able to travel back in time.  Not sure I would want to go forward because then I would find out things that could be sad or disturbing in some way. (Unless I had the winning lottery numbers! Ha! just kidding..sort of!)  Would you change anything in your past if you had the opportunity to do so?  I can't think of too many major things I would change except for a few health changes or maybe taking more time to sit with my kiddos when they were little. Hug my family members more.  Things like that.  Time seems to fly by so fast that it's amazing to me to realize my older kids are getting close to 50 and have gray hair and starting with some health issues that happen as we age. Aging, if you're lucky, is inevitable.  I just mentioned to my sister that I don't mind growing older I just don't like the aches and pains that accompany that or not being able to do the same things I could just a few years ago.  Oh well, I guess it's time to stop whining about things like that and just be glad to be here today and have the possibility of tomorrow to continue to learn new things and grow as person.  Something that does bring the time flying issue up front is celebrating my Grandkids birthdays.  This past week Anthony turned 21.  Holy cow, I think he was just a tiny squirt last week, not this well over 6 foot man in college and living on his own!

Young Anthony
Older Anthony with Cameron.  Happy birthday Anthony! He's such a great kid. He goes Akron University full time and also works.  His job takes me back in time because it's at a movie theater.  That was my very first real job when I turned 16 and I loved it. However Anthony would not want to go back in time to my paycheck. I made 1.25 an hour which was good pay for a movie theater back then.  He says he makes 18.00 an hour today.  How times have changed.  Of course you could see a movie and have snacks in my day without having to get a loan! Ha!   I had another "Back To The Future" moment yesterday.  It has to do with a coat my Mom had given me when I was pregnant with Jordan. He's 38 so that was a long time ago.  It happened to be a coat my Mom had when I was little!  It's a fur coat that I can remember snuggling up to Mom when she wore it in the Winter.  I was probably 5 or 6 so you know that coat is now 65 or so years old.  I had a conversation with Mom a few years ago and told her I still had that coat hanging in my closet. Her reaction made me laugh. She said "GET RID OF IT!"  Well, I never did but was going to last year as a white elephant gift at our family Christmas. Midge told me to give it to Amy, my niece, instead because she would love it.  So I did and she does love it. She had it cleaned and a few repairs to the sleeves done to the tune of over $200!  Here's the result. Amy wore it to a formal Fireman's fundraising gala yesterday.
I think she looks stunning in it! It's been saved and loved again.  I'm so glad I kept it for her! It's full of good memories for me and now will have more memories made again.  So perhaps we can go back in time when we see old photos or reminisce with family and friends about those "good old days" of yore. Would I want to really relive anything?  Nah, I'll just be happy going on as God planned.  Day by day and leave time travel to people on YAHOO!    


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I very much enjoyed your musings, dear friend. If I were to given an opportunity to time travel, I would certainly go back, as you would, and not forward. I would probably do the kinds of things you mentioned, spend more time with loved ones and be more demonstrative in letting them know how much they meant to me in my life. I have some regrets about people I hurt when I was young, and I most certainly would seize control and take back the 30 years I wasted with a serious drinking problem. Knowing how wonderful life is clean and sober, I would never have started down a destructive path that cost me three of the most productive decades of my life.

Yessum, it amazes me how time is racing by, as evidenced by your grandkiddos and mine rapidly growing into adults. Happy 21st birthday to Anthony, and congratulations to him for getting a college education while handling a job and living independently. I take it you worked as an usherette in a movie theater. That's so cool. Your reminiscences about the coat your mother owned when you were little reminds me of my own mother who wore a fur coat during winter. I remember lying my head on it as a toddler and falling asleep as we rode in the car. The smell of her perfume is also a distinct memory. I felt safe and secure in those moments. Such an elegant coat as the one your mother gave to you surely didn't deserve to be passed around as a white elephant gift. You made a wise decision when you gave it to Amy. She certainly does look fabulous in it and is obviously intent on caring for it and preserving it.

Another key thing you wrote here that resonates with me big time is the fact that, as we age and are no longer able to do as many things as we once did, we should be thankful for each and every new day, and use it as an opportunity to learn new things and grow as a person. Teaching, learning, sharing and caring. That's what it's all about.

I'll have another vintage fashion parade for you to enjoy this Wednesday at Shady's Place. Have a wonderful week, dear friend YaYa!

CHERI said...

Hi, Yaya. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my THRIFTY IS NIFTY post. As to your question...going back in time would definitely depend on which time. I would never ever in a million years want to go back to my childhood...that was a sad and lonely time for me. I also would not go back to my teenage years because those were not good either. But I would so much love to go back and spend a little more time with my sweet curly-headed daughter that we lost at age 9. But that's not possible so I just look forward to the day when I will see her again and be with her through eternity:) The coat is beautiful and I'm so glad it didn't make it's way to the white elephant gig but instead went to someone who truly loves it. Hope all is well in your world...thanks for the food for thought in this post.

Julia said...

This post had given me some fodder for thought. Yes, I would like to go back in time to my childhood because although we were poor, all Catholics were poor in our area when I was growing up, even in my teen years. I can say that I had a great childhood with more good memories than sad ones.

I remember families in our area visited a lot and helped each other. Everyone worked at doing something to help each other and there were plenty of things to do outdoors with friends. No cell phones or computers. We played sports, skated our hearts away, swam in crystal clear water in the brook, tobogganed down big hills in the winter, picked all kinds of wild berries, etc. I feel so sorry about the kids today. We had no fear and felt safe.

In hind views, I would make different choices in many things but like you said, God had a plan for me and I'm where I'm supposed to be.

Take care and cherish your family. They are the most precious gifts.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya. Great post, and much food for thought. Time does go quickly. My oldest will be 42 this May and my oldest grandson will be 17. I love the picture of Amy in your mom's fur coat. My mom also had a fur coat. I am not sure whatever happened to it. You sure don't see many coats like that any more. This was really a good post. I hope you had a good week.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ahh, that is a question I can't really answer. I guess it depends if I would go back with the knowledge and experience of things I have now so I could have made different choices, I probably I do have regrets and know I would do many things differently. But if it were just going back to relive the same experiences, no...and for the same reasons and others. Anyways...that coat looks like it was made for Amy - she wears it beautifully. I love vintage clothing and it is becoming more and more popular - and can command some crazy prices. ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

I definitely would love to go back in time to certain years, but not the future. Mostly to spend more time with those I loved. That fur coat was meant for Amy. She wears it well and good on you for giving it to her. My grandsons first job was at the movie theatre too! Janice

jack69 said...

Enjoyed the visit. Pictures are great. Just trying to keep up or catch up. Say warm. Beautiful bouquet!

Sherry & jack trying to smile....