The blues we have in our summer aren't like post partum blues or music blues or just plain sad blues. Nope, ours have to do with BLUEBERRIES! We have had some sad blues in the past when it comes to our blueberry patch. Actually I like to call it Jack's patch because he's the one who has planted, tended, pruned, mulched and, this year, covered the bushes with netting. It makes it look like we have ghosts in the graveyard!
The netting has kept the deer, bugs, and birds away and helped us get a nice first pickingJack had to first get that netting out of the way...
We filled our buckets and enjoyed a nice cool evening in the small patch, happy that we finally had a good crop! I was able to freeze 5 quarts so far. Now that may seem pretty small to some but it's the best we've had in our years of growing blue!
We filled our buckets and enjoyed a nice cool evening in the small patch, happy that we finally had a good crop! I was able to freeze 5 quarts so far. Now that may seem pretty small to some but it's the best we've had in our years of growing blue!
Annabelle enjoyed the evening too and waited patiently for play ball with her!On another note here from the Pines, we had new windows put in. 19 went in on Thursday and Friday. It makes a big difference in how clearly we see now! It will be much easier to clean them and the windows that were here were original from 1978 so hopefully cooling and heating bills will be better too. That's all I've got for now. Quiet summer so far...but also seems to be busy in just doing what we couldn't get done last year. Playing catch up but not getting blue about it! Have a happy week!
Hi, YaYa!
I'm happy to log on and discover that the "summer blues" you are discussing aren't the "ain't no cure for the summertime blues" type of blues. Yessum, with that netting draped over the blueberries, it looks like you got a jump on this year's Halloween decorating. Congratulations to Jack for having a green thumb for growing blueberries. The early yield is impressive.
Awww... thanks for posting a picture of my sweetie pie Annabelle! She looks happy and filled with energy and enthusiasm, much perkier than she looked when you first brought her to her new home at The Pines. That's great doggy parenting for you. If I were there, I'd be tossing that ball with her for hours.
I'm thrilled that you got all those new windows and can sing "I can see clearly now." (This is song lyric day.) Yessum, you should be able to save a pretty penny on energy from now on.
I'm very happy to know that you are having a more normal summer this time around. It's long overdue. Enjoy these blessings and remember to count them in the grand scheme of things.
I wanted to let you know that, beginning this Friday, I will be taking a 9-day blog hiatus, meaning that I will be completely off the grid. If I miss one or more of your posts during that span of time, you will know why. Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend YaYa!
I'm on a wee break from weeding and mulching and I thought I would check the blog. Nice job with the blueberries. Some critter has been picking my big green blueberries on the bottom of the bushes and leaving them on the ground. I've been thinking of getting a net for them but so far, haven't had time to look after that.
I love your new windows.
Enjoy the blueberries. Mine are not ripe yet.
Hi Yaya. What a great crop of blueberries! We love fresh blueberries and there is actually a blueberry shortage here in Utah. We checked for them at several store last week and there weren't any. I love your new windows. We replaced our windows a few at a time and just got the last window in last spring. It makes a huge difference. Glad that your summer is going well. See you again soon.
Oh, those blueberries look wonderful!! I never was a huge blueberry fan growing up for some reason but have come to love them. I wish I had a few plants here. They are one fruit that freeze wonderfully. And hey, what an appropriate post for today...I believe it's national blueberry muffin day!! Congrats on the new windows! ~Robin~
Great blog
Please read my post
wow wonderful light from your new windows!
I think that is a lot of blueberries good job! We only have 2 bushes but they are doing well
Nice thing to have in the freezer for the winter baking.
YUM blueberries! So glad you have some to eat. We new windows put in last Fall. Love them. Now we added new insulation in our attic, so we should be all set with our energy bills. Lets hope anyway. Hope Annabelle was able to play ball. Janice
Beautiful blog
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