Saturday, December 25, 2021

Happy Christmas Everybody!

 The final week of Christmas flew by.  Final shopping, baking, wrapping presents, church services and all the little things that go with hosting family on Christmas day.  Today is that day and again I'm amazed that another Christmas has been celebrated and over so soon.  We had our kids, grandkids, and granddogs here and phone calls for those not able to attend.  It was a fun day and even though the weather this year was more southern than northern feeling, it was good.  Rainy and temps in the 60's...unusual! What was usual was the good food we had and the gathering of family.  Fun times, laughter, gifts and of course YaYa with her camera ready! So here's a snap shot of our weekend.  Merry Christmas to all my family, friends and blog buddies! 

Last night Jack and I had a cozy traditional...for us anyway...dinner.  Years ago we started having breakfast for dinner on Christmas Eve.  Christmas morning with our four boys and then an early start to Jack's parents house made breakfast only a passing thought.  I used to make waffles for the boys but Jack likes French toast better so  I do that for him and waffles for me.  After dinner we took a ride to see Christmas decorations around town. There's those homes with all the crazy blow up decorations but my photos didn't come out great of those. 
I like this old Victorian home and they do have the yard nicely lit up!
After driving around different neighborhoods we stopped at the corner park near downtown. This is where the annual tree lighting ceremony is held and I think they've done a great job of decorating this park.

Santa's house sits all quiet now.  He saw about 900 kids this year! Whew!

Here's where the letters to Santa were posted.  I do hope all who wrote letters got what they wanted this year.  
These potted pines can be found on all the corners of downtown.  After the holidays they are planted. Such a good idea.  Also Christmas music is piped in all day, everyday, for the month of December.  Very fun to walk and listen too.
Downtown is so sparkly! I asked Jack if it was like this when he was little.  I've lived here for 44yrs and this is the best I've ever seen it.  He said: "When you're a kid at Christmas everything is sparkly".  So true!  Our Mayor has made it a project to get the downtown vibrant again and bring in that Hallmark town feeling.  It's working! Many new businesses and restaurants have come in and hopefully can continue to thrive. 
Christmas morning had the gifts wrapped and ready and the fake fire burning on the TV!
As my family arrived I made them stop for a quick pic before the day got rolling. Rae Rae isn't braces! She's 2-1/2 yrs younger than Lexi but a few inches taller. That's their sister Aria in front.  She's a half sister but we whole love her! 
Newlyweds, Driana and Jonathan.  They bought their first home back in October so now they can have a dog. Introducing new Granddog! 
Phil..Rae and Lexi's Dad and my funny silver fox kiddo! He just had to pose!
Anthony and Cameron.  I don't know if Cam will get as tall as  his brother but he has grown a lot this past year.  
Granddaughter Summer and her boyfriend, Spencer. Such a sweet couple.
Jack and Evelyn who didn't have to pose in front of the fireplace.  This was a hard day for Evelyn as her Dad passed away a few months ago.  I didn't get a pic of her cousin Mandy who is living with them. If  you recall I mentioned they took guardianship of her when her Mom, Evelyn's Aunt, passed away this summer.  It was a hard day for Mandy too as it's the first without her Mom.  Sometimes the holidays can be a challenge when life throws in those sad times. Mandy went and slept after eating and just wanted to be alone for a bit.  
Jack just hanging out...look at those piercing blue eyes!
After dinner we played the saran wrap game.  Inside that ball of saran wrap are tons of gifts..some silly, some good, some delish, and some lottery tickets! It's a fun, fast and furious game.  Nobody won a million on the lottery tickets but Summer won $2 and Driana won $25...not too bad I guess!  Soon it was time for all to head home.  We had a great day and I'm so grateful for my wonderful husband who helped me all along the way as it's hard to do this by yourself.  I'm grateful for my family who brings a smile to my face and happiness in my heart!  I hope everyone had a good day today!
Merry Christmas and God Bless Us Every One!


joeh said...

Good times. Love breakfast for dinner!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

Thanks for showing us highlights of Christmas 2021 at The Pines, dear friend!

I admire your lovely table setting, decorations and subdued lighting. You can't help getting into the spirit of the season when you turn off the house lights and use Christmas lights. Same goes for the lights around the neighborhoods and in the city. Magic and wonder everywhere. I agree with Jack's statement: "When you're a kid, at Christmas everything is sparkly." Our challenge is to keep that sense of wonder the rest of our lives and come from that spirit every day of the year, not only during the holidays. I admire the strides your city is making toward improving the downtown district. It really is starting to look like a town on a Hallmark card. I can imagine the joy of strolling those clean, beautifully decorated streets and listening to Christmas music playing.

Addy Rae Rae might not be smiling now because of those braces, but she will be smiling proudly when they come off, and that time will come sooner than it might seem to her right now. "Temporary inconvenience - permanent improvement." It's nice to see her grouped with sisters Lexi and Aria in that pose. Driana and Jonathan and looking well and happy, and look at the kisser on granddog Theo! Thanks for getting such a clear shot of him. It looks like Phil is short for "Philosopher." :) Those boys, Anthony and Cameron, little ones when I started following W.P., are indeed growing into tall men right before our eyes. That's a great pose and picture of happy couple Summer and Spencer. Likewise with Jack and Evelyn, and understandable that is was a bittersweet Christmas for Evelyn and Mandy, having suffered the loss of a close family member months ago. I was in a similar situation with gloomy thoughts invading my mind throughout the day. As you recall, I lost a beloved SIL a few weeks ago. Christmas 2021 also marked the 20th anniversary of my dad's death. On top of that, I received the news Christmas morning that another family member, my brother's current wife, is terminally ill with only months to live. It was a lot to process as I went through the day. I know that thoughts and memories of your dear mother and brother entered your head from time to time as well.

I never heard of that Saran wrap game. Looks like everyone had fun digging for prizes. That's a great picture of Jack looking well and finally getting some rest after doing so much to help make your holiday bash a success. I'm delighted that you could throw this annual Christmas party at The Pines. Surely a wonderful and memorable time was had by all who were able to attend. Family members who phoned from far away were with you in spirit. Mrs. Shady and I placed calls to family in Alabama and San Diego. The latter is where her retarded brother resides at a group home. He was excited to let us know he received and played the Elvis Presley CD we sent him along with a new pair of pajamas.

Rest now. Enjoy your Sunday and make the last week of 2021 a safe and happy one, dear friend YaYa!

Julia said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas Day with us. So much to be happy about but it's at Christmas and on special occasions that we miss our loved ones the most as they leave big holes in our hearts. Time heals but it doesn't happen quickly. I really feel for Evelyn and Mandy.

Now you can rest for a little while. My Son in law usually makes the best Belgian waffles with berries and mounds of whipped cream on Christmas morning. They are extra rich but so worth it.

I miss having the little grandkids and great-grandkids on Christmas morning when they open their gifts. It's so fun to watch their expressions.

The Seran wrap game sounds like fun.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you decorate for Christmas, next year.
Stay well and safe.


Kay G. said...

Oh my dear, you are so gorgeous and Jack so handsome it's no wonder your whole family are so good looking! I truly enjoyed all your photos but that one with the pretty table and the one candle? I love that! It's Boxing Day in England today, you can look it up. I've read its become more like America and now they have after Christmas sales like we do! Oh well!!😊 Take care!!

Gin said...

I love your family Christmas story. First, my heart hurts for Mandy this holiday, I’m
Hoping she felt the warmth and love of you caring for her on Christmas Day. The Saran Wrap was a hit I’m sure. I so wanted to do it at my Christmas but it didn’t happen this year. You look beautiful! And I’m
Glad to be your blogging buddy and get to keep up with you!! Now, it’s all about the Happy New Year!

TheCrankyCrow said...

You are just too adorable Kathy! Great idea to capture all those wonderful memories in family photos. They will be treasured more as time goes on. Ugh! I LOVE breakfast for dinner...well, truth be told, I love breakfast ANY TIME of the day LOL. Haven't done it for a while, but having bacon and eggs here tonight for dinner in fact. But as much as I love breakfast, I really do miss all the leftover snacks in my frig in years past. Hmmm...bacon and eggs tonight...maybe tomorrow I'll splurge and make deviled eggs for myself. ;-) Thanks for sharing your day with us! ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

I am not much of a breakfast gal, but my paternal gramma use to fix us up fancy breakfast every time we visited. I have to say fried eggs in bacon grease was good! Thanks for sharing your town all dolled up for Christmas. Our small downtown looks festive like yours too. I think that's why lots of folks come into town to shop. Your family is beautiful and so glad everyone had a great time! Janice

Susan Kane said...

Such a sweet family! We used to have grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon for dinner (supper for us Mid-Westerns).
We drove around our community, enjoyed the Christmas displays. Can't we hang the lights for a month or so longer?

acorn hollow said...

Another great holiday at your house! I love small towns and their spirit.
Happy New Year

sulis said...
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Davey Bacaron Manulife said...

Merry Christmas! Enjoy the holidays!