Monday, August 30, 2021

RIP Arnold

 This morning we had to make the hard decision to let our Arnie go to the rainbow bridge.  There I hope he finds Ferris, Eddy, and Chubbs waiting.  Arnold had struggled this summer and this weekend he couldn't walk and had that far away look in his eyes. Even dinner time didn't excite him and that little dude lived for his meals.  We knew when we rescued a senior dog we wouldn't have him for a long time, but we will treasure the 3 years we did have and hope it gave him a good life in the end.  He loved car rides, and the drive thru if french fries were involved, and sitting close to Jack at any meal because he knew he would get a treat.  One that just "accidently" fell on the floor.  He was a good traveler and we enjoyed taking him with us on our trips to Chicago.  RIP Arnie...our hearts are broken on this rainy Monday.  

Rae will be so sad today.

Jack will miss his napping buddy.
Goodbye sweet boy. 


Shady Del Knight said...

Kathleen, I am heartbroken too. I had no idea Arnie was ailing this summer. He became my good buddy just like Eddy was. You have had far too many sad days in the 2020s. Ultimately you did the right thing by ending Arnie's struggle and sending him to his resting place where he is surely reunited with all of your animals that went there before him. I would also like to think that your dear mother is petting Arnie as I write this. I am terribly sorry that you need to endure yet another loss. My heart goes out to you, to Jack, to my friend Addy Rae Rae, and to all those who loved and will miss good dog Arnie. God bless, dear friend!

jack69 said...

Very hard decisions go with pet ownership/partnership. Decisions they cannot make. Thinking of you guys, it must hurt terribly, I remember very well.

acorn hollow said...

I am so sorry but what a wonderful few years he had with you

Julia said...

I'm so very sorry about poor little Arnie. It was the right decision even though I know how tough it was to make. I'm sure he lived a good and happy life with you and Jack and was loved by family members also. You gave him all the best care and love possible. I'm sure he will be missed by all.

Big hugs and caring,

joeh said...

Always extra sad to lose a close member of your family.

Prims By The Water said...

So sorry to hear you lost your Arnie, but I know even though he was senior dog he was given the best elder life ever. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

So sorry for you loss. It can be heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet. So glad you have three years of memories with your furry friend, Arnie.

TheCrankyCrow said...

My heart breaks for you Kathy...praying you and all who loved Arnie will find healing soon and comfort in your memories of him. I will be in your shoes soon enough I'm afraid....Snowdog is declining rapidly...he, too, is losing the ability to walk. But the light of life still glows so strong from within him. You truly have had more than your share of rough patches this past year....I am so sorry. Sending hugs...and healing thoughts. ~Robin~

CHERI said...

I am so sorry for your loss. What a sweet dog he must have been. It's always hard to let one go but sometimes it's the best for them. I'm so sorry I haven't commented lately but I have just had no energy for the last few weeks and haven't felt like doing anything. Not sleeping much at all has gotten the best of me. A friend is supposed to see about getting me some new meds (herbal) to try. Sure hope it will work because I need to sleep for about a week!!!!