Saturday, August 7, 2021

Summer In The Country

 The summer season is moving along and the garden is coming into it's glory.

These are the first fruits of our labors and from here on out it will be canning and freezing and eating those delish, fresh tomatoes. We've had a couple more since this pic. I'll be going to Chicago on Wednesday for a week to help my sister and that's when I'm sure all heck will break loose and I'll come home to tons of produce. But that's why we plant it! Jack will make sure it gets picked while I'm gone. I better make sure I have my mason jars ready!  August brings on a couple of birthdays. First one this month is Cameron's. I can't believe he's 14! Wasn't he just a baby? When he was born we were getting ready for our Alaska cruise. After 14 years I guess we should get ready to do that again! Maybe in a few more years? I want to do an East coast trip first.  We had a nice cookout on Friday and even though we had family and fun I only took these two photos...I guess I was busy with other things!
Ready, set, sing...
Blow! His other Grandma was there and brought the candles that keep relighting. He finally got them out!  Happy birthday Cameron!  On a final note we've had a deer family visiting us on a regular basis and eating apples from our tree.  We keep chasing them out and even shooting the shotgun in the air to scare them away.  That works for about 24 hours.  Yesterday I caught these littles eating the apples on the ground.
We don't care if they eat the ones that fall but I caught this next pic.
This rascal was pawing at the tree and knocking apples down for his sibling!  That got me out in the yard and yelling.  They took off for the creepy woods but came back later with another buddy!  Deer season is still months away but we'll be out there protecting the produce as best as possible.  That's Summer life in the country!  


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I've got carpal tunnel from replying to your long and wonderful comment at Shady's Place, and I'm staying up late to read and comment on your new post. Sleep is for wimps, right? :)

Happy 14th birthday to Cam! Yessum, he was just a little guy when I started following the story of your wonderful family via Whispering Pines. His cake looks delicious and I'm sure you threw him a nice little party. Your produce also looks... (let me find the right words)... good enough to eat! I'm glad you are primed for a big yield this year.

I never saw a deer up on his hind legs like that! He looked like a begging dog as he reared up and shook the tree to get apples to fall. I'm sorry they are stealing your fruit, and I do hope bloodshed can be avoided. Perhaps you can slip the Yeti a ten dollar bill and put him on scarecrow duty under the tree. :) Yessum, I'm sleepy and getting punchy.

Please drive safely over to Midge's place. I am praying that all goes well for her. She is blessed with a caring and devoted sister who will keep things running smoothly at home while she is hospitalized and recuperating.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, dear friend YaYa!

Julia said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Cameron. Hard to believe how fast time passes on. The kids grow us so fast.

Those darn deers are a nuisance for sure. They are pretty smart to shake the apple tree to make the apples fall. We have a herd that lives nearby and they have a large territory it seems. They no longer are coming into my vegetable with the electric fence garden behind the hedge but they ate a lot of the beans and beets at the farm.

Nice produce from your garden. It's always such a joy to pick fresh veggies from the garden as opposed to having to buy them in the store.
Have a safe trip to your sister Midge, she is daily in my prayers.

Take care and stay well.
Hugs, Julia

jack69 said...

Oh yes, like Cameron's day, they do certainly roll around fast. The veggies look great (we hope to GROW a green thumb one of these days. LOL Yep the deer reaching into the tree is a great shot.
Sherry & jack smiling here in NC. Enjoy your trip.

TheCrankyCrow said...

I'm back.....(yes, Blogger actually read my email and finally got things fixed...and I am now playing catch-up). Happy Belated Birthday to Cameron....Funny, I am reading a book whose main protaganist's name is Cameron...and it's set in the first part of the 20th century. long as I have lived in the wilds of Nod and somewhat surrounding wilderness, I have never seen a deer do that. Wow! And to capture it in a photo...lucky you! The deer here have been sparcer than usual it seems....but then again we have had wolves, cougars and coyotes in more numbers. ~Robin~

joeh said...

My tomato plants have produced about enough to keep me in tomatoes for another month. I've killed one. Not a great gardener. Just potted on my deck.

Prims By The Water said...

Happy Birthday to Cameron! How cute to see the deer grabbing the apples. We have a tree across our street that they visit too for their apples. Have fun in Chicago! Janice