Monday, March 23, 2020

Just For Today

I realized when looking at my previous post that my title might make you think I was positive for that stinkin' virus thing going around. (I'm sure you've heard of it)  Well, I'm still trying to stay "positive" in thought and hope for a new day with things getting back to normal or what might be a new normal after all this is over.  I do have hope it will be over if we all do our part.  My Mom is having a pacemaker and a heart ablation today.  It's hard on us because we can't be there with a no visitor policy. She's wondering where we all are and it make me sad that she doesn't understand what's happening.  Her hearing aides were lost in the rehab facility and when she fell again and hospitalized on Friday it made it really hard to explain what's going on.  On a brighter note, my sister is still doing well at home.  So just for today we will smile, have hope, pray for Mom, and for all of our neighbors and friends and family.  I'm home today and will be cleaning and putting up some decorations for Easter.  I don't know if we'll be able to have our annual Easter celebration but I'm still going to prepare for it anyway.  It's a favorite time of year for me. Ohio put out a mandatory stay at home policy for non essential travel and work.  I will be working the rest of the week at the hospital and doing my part to help where needed.  Since the OR is closed for elective surgeries our nurses are spread out over the facility working where they are not really comfortable and also hours that are different.  But they go anyway...they are the best.  Take care everyone! I was glad to visit my blog buddies this morning and find some laughs, good music, and just for today catching up!
I'm glad that Spring has sprung.
Taking this scripture to heart today and every day.


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I am headed out the door in a few minutes for another drive to a city across the state where Mrs. Shady and I both have scheduled doctor appointments. After you made my day with your cheery comment on SPMM I wanted to visit you here at The Pines and comment before we leave.

Yessum, I admit that the title of your previous post scared me at first, because I thought it meant that you had tested positive for the virus. I was very relieved to know that wasn't the case and that you meant that your mindset has remained positive.

I am praying for your mother as she undergoes those procedures. I hope she can be made to understand why you aren't at her bedside as I know you desperately want to be. I am also rooting for Midge to continue uninterrupted down the road to recovery.

Mrs. Shady was on call the last two evenings and had two COVID patients. I admire her and you and your cohorts for going to work and doing your duty to care for the sick. I hope you and your clan can enjoy Easter this year. You might need to spread the parties out over several different days to avoid having more than 10 people together at the same time. :)

Bless you all up there, dear friend YaYa, and please stay well!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I have been thinking about your Mom and some more elderly people related to our blogger friends. I am just glad to get an update about your Mom and hopefully I will get to know that every one is doing good.
I have not written in a long while and would like to start writing pretty soon. I have a lot to write about. Mostly to share my experiences with others and some to get things off my chest.
I know that you, being in Nursing is of the most value to us all , human beings in general and Americans alike. I know my sister and my son and a lot of our nieces and nephews being in medical field are helping out there. My prayers are with you all.
Take care of yourself and may God bless you.

acorn hollow said...

So sorry to hear your mom fell again and losing hearing aids is very expensive my husband wears them. So glad to hear your sister is gaining all the time.
Easter is crazy busy and fun here too but I know there is just no way. We are in for a larger snow storm 6-10 inches of heavy wet snow. Our governor has not declared that yet but the sooner we do the sooner we are out and getting on with life.
I pray for this country we are in such terrible times.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hope everything goes well with your mom.

betty said...

Great scripture and reminder God is still in control! Hoping your mom made it through the procedures fine. That is a shame about her hearing aids though.

Glad your sister is doing better!


Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...
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CHERI said...

I'm so sorry about what's going on with your mother. This whole situation is just so awful. I worry about my 91 yr. old mother. She's so stubborn, I know if she decides she really has to have something she'll just in her car and head to the store!!! I don't live near her so can't stop her but I do call her and tell her to stay in!! I am staying in too due to me having asthma. About to go stir crazy though. I've been praying for all medical personnel and caregivers. My sister is a nurse in a big hospital. Such a scary time...but God is good all the time!

Unknown said...

I hope your mom and sister are both doing better. What a crazy time for you. Thanks for the hard work in the medical field right now. I hope this virus passes soon. Maybe the fast will help bring some ideas that will help.

Love you guys.

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