Thursday, March 12, 2020

Update #2

First, my sister is doing really good. She has made improvements daily and will be out of ICU today and going to a telemetry floor.  She still will need dialysis but also still hoping it's temporary.  So now for the really fun part.  Tuesday morning my Mom fell in her bedroom and fractured her tibia.  Thankfully she didn't need surgery but now she's also in the hospital, two floors up from Midge.  So as my sister's kids are with Midge, my siblings and I are staying the hospital room 24/7 with Mom.  She has been confused of course which is the nature of the beast with the elderly when medicated and in a strange environment.  So for now we're making arrangements for Mom to go to a rehab facility for PT and care. She should be there at least 3 months.  Midge will be able to go home with in-home care when she's ready.  We're taking everything one day at a time.  Prayers always appreciated. I would also pray for the stupid corona virus over reactors. Seriously people.  Never mind, don't get me started.  Maybe because as a healthcare worker we'll go to work as usual. Even if every idiot in the county has taken all the masks and toilet paper.  All I ask is please don't take all the diet Pepsi...actually, just asking for a friend.


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I didn't even take time to reply to your comment on SPMM. Instead I raced over here to read the latest news about Midge. I am very sorry that the universe threw you a curve ball. Just as the news about Midge turned good and she was improving, your mother took a spill and now both are hospitalized! I am down in the dumps thinking of all you and your family are dealing with simultaneously with sister and mother. Naturally I am praying hard for both to achieve a full recovery, and I hope you can hold up under the stress. If anyone can do that it's you, Kath, because you are tough like your dad. I agree it's getting weird that "America" is basically being canceled and on lockdown due to the c-virus or the fears surrounding it. I went to the bank the other day and saw so many masks I couldn't tell the robbers from the customers. :)

Back to serious business, please continue to take it one day at a time, one hour at a time or one minute at a time if that's what is required of you. I hope you will continue to post updates and I hope they will bear only good news with no unpleasant surprises.

God bless, YaYa!

acorn hollow said...

So very sorry about your mom but sounds like you are all taking good care of her. So glad to hear your sister is progressing! I am keeping her in my nightly prayers.
Sending blessings

betty said...

Oh my gosh with your mom but at least she's getting the care she will need and will continue to do so down the line. Glad to hear your sister is doing better and will be moved out of the ICU. I pray the dialysis is just temporary and won't be a permanent thing she needs. I hope you are doing okay! Make sure you allow a little time for yourself in the midst of it all!

And I agree, don't get me started on Covid-19. I blame the media for the mess we are in.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya. So glad to hear your sister is progressing, but sorry to hear about your mom. Prayers for both your mom and sister. I am glad to know you have your priorities straight (Diet Pepsi) ;-) Take care and stay well.

CHERI said...

Sorry I have been AWOL and have missed your recent posts...but I just caught up:) You and your family have certainly had a lot going on and I am so very sorry. Thankful your sister is still hanging in there and has improved...she is certainly an answer to prayer. Praying she and your mother will be back to "normal" as soon as possible...if ever this world will be back to "normal" again!!! It's absolutely crazy. One minute I am in a panic, the next I am thinking to myself "don't over dramatize all this." It's hard to know what to believe...these TV folks and politicians sure aren't helping matters! My sister is a nurse and so I get what you were saying in this post. Just so sad that people are actually beating each other up over TP and bottled water. You stay safe and well, and I'll be praying for you and your family.

Kay G. said...

Oh your poor Mom! Please know I am praying for all. xx

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