Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I'm Positive!

Jack said I needed to put a new post in and he's right! I'm home and getting caught up with our lives and the town and the empty store shelves.  Oh, and work.  All a bit on the sad side and it takes everything I have to stay positive. Elective surgeries have been stopped for the time being.  Only emergencies.  That being said everyone was wondering where we're going from here. Will we be working and earning a paycheck?  Lots of things have stopped but not living, eating, and paying bills.  There was a big meeting this afternoon to let us know what to do next.  Everyone will be working in some capacity but not all will be in surgery.  We have screeners who will be testing folks who think they may have covid 19.  The med/surg floor will need help if it gets too busy and the emergency room is short staffed. For now I'll be staying in the OR because I'm not a nurse...I'm a surgical technologist and my skills are for the operating room mostly. I mean, I can do general patient care without giving meds and such but my boss is trying to keep me away from the sick patients because I'm in the "danger zone" being age 67.  I'm glad about that because I hate being out of my element!  We may have to work different shifts, different days and even may have to drive to Cleveland to work at University Hospitals up there. I draw the line at that! But for those who want to do it, I'm glad they can still work and get paid.  I'm still worrying about my sister and Mom in Chicago but they are doing good for now.  I just hope it stays that way and they continue to progress on the path of health and rehab.  I do hope this virus runs it's course quickly and the economy, schools, and all around general life gets back to normal....or as near to normal as possible.  I really hope my hairdresser will be back on the job one day too!  I will probably be working longer than I planned..especially if my pension took a huge dive!  So I try to look at how positive nature is right now. Spring is around the corner:
Daffodils are peeping up...
See the purple crocus? They're closed up because it's been raining but they are there!
Daylilies are springing forth.  So Mother Nature doesn't let a little virus ruin it's day!  It's 7pm and still light out...sunrise will come and sunset too.  I guess we need to take a cue from the earth and just chill out.  Stay safe, stay home, stay positive!


Kay G. said...

Oh my friend, we need to be praying very, very hard, I believe. No surgeries except for emergency ones. I never ever thought we would see that in this country.
Take great care of yourself. xx

joeh said...

A hospital is a danger zone, especially these days. Stay safe. It takes something like this for people to realize just how brave and selfless health professionals can be.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I rushed over to your post before replying to your comment on mine because I have been wondering how things are going with your mother and Midge. I take it they are stable for now, allowing you to stand down from your round the clock vigilance and return to Ashland. That's good news. I'm sorry that you couldn't put your mind at ease for long because the threat of the virus is becoming more acute by the day, forcing you to adjust to changes in your duties and responsibilities at the hospital. You've had a tough go of it for weeks now, and that makes me sad. I know you are strong and will rise up and meet the challenge. The important thing is to stay out of harm's way by taking meticulous sanitary precautions at work, at home and everywhere you go, you and all your loved ones. I hope you all stay healthy until this outbreak runs its course and subsides.

I'll be thinking about you, your mom, Midge and all the rest of your wonderful family, dear friend YaYa. Thank you for keeping us posted!

betty said...

Glad to read an update from you. If we remember that God is in control and he will meet our needs I don't think we have much to fear. It is sad though with so many plans being put on hold but maybe new plans after this will be so much more better. I hope your sister and mom continue to improve and that you and your entire family stay safe!


acorn hollow said...

Glad to hear your mom and sister are progressing. I am still working at this point not sure for how long. and yes I will be working longer because of the hit my pension took.
My daughter called and one of the er docs just tested positive. He also is the Doc on call for the nursing home so what a mess! He is young but has 5 kids. This is a very small hospital so this is a big hit for them.
stay safe and healthy

jack69 said...

Good to see the update. I was just wondering at the effect on people thruout the country. This is an inconvenience to us, we were exposed a couple weeks ago and no symptoms, BUT it is VERY SERIOUS to the working public, I can remember when we could not take off a few days with no pay, much less weeks. OUCH. The best to you kid (67!) and the best to your Jack.
Sherry & jack

Bryant Lisa said...

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