Thursday, March 7, 2019

Blog Worthy?

It's been a week since I've blogged and frankly I'm not too sure I  have anything "blog worthy".  The weather  has turned cold and then it suppose to warm a bit this weekend.  Everyone at work has been sick.  There's been call offs for the past two weeks.  I was one of them last week but slowly this once in a decade cold is getting better. I heard that they may have a cure for HIV.  That's awesome and a huge breakthrough.  But come on people...the common cold is still not cured!!!! I'm baffled.  Anyway, all's quiet here at the Pines.  Jack hasn't got my crud and hopefully won't.  Arnie got his stitches out and has lost 2lbs.  (so far he's winning the weight loss challenge) I've been making my own dog food. Yes, I've become "one of those dog owner people".   Finally, I'm going to ride on my Granddaughter's parade float today by posting pics she has been putting on Facebook. She's been in Paris, France this past week having the trip of a lifetime!  She'll graduate from college this Spring with a degree in fashion merchandising and business.  So Paris is the place for our little artist to enjoy the fashion sense there, the designer clothes, the architecture, the street art, and of course...the food!
She's been posting photos of her food and I had to laugh because I do that too..take pics of food.  (as well as eat food!)
So French looking.
Beautiful sights...
My beautiful little Summer...we love you and can't wait for you to get home!  That's all I've got tonight...March has come in like a goat....not horrible but not lambish...Have a good weekend!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I love your winking owl header, dear friend! I'm happy to know you are recovering from your illness. A month ago I had a stubborn cold that hung on two full weeks. It was the first time I got sick in years. I pray the worst is behind you now. I am also happy to know my buddy Arnie came through his operation AOK and is winning the battle of the bulge. Those are striking pictures of grandkiddo Summer in Paris! She was so young when I began following you, but now she is blossoming into a confident, independent, globetrotting woman of the world. You have every reason to be proud of her.

Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend, dear friend YaYa!

betty said...

If I remember correctly, and I probably don't, there are so many strains of the "common cold" that it won't ever be cured since new strains are always popping out here or there. What a cool time for Summer in Paris. I'm sure she will always remember this trip and this time in her life.


Christina said...

How exciting! I still remember her sweet smile when she was a Sunbeam...last year!? I know you're a proud YiaYia.

Rick Watson said...

She looks Parisian:)

Julia said...

I always wanted to go to France when I was a young girl but I never went. Instead, my older daughter visited France often when she was living so I saw France through her eyes. You must be proud of your granddaughter. I love the Parisien food too with a glass of wine.
I hope Spring finds you soon. Only 12 days to official Spring.
Hugs, Julia

acorn hollow said...

she is a pretty girl for sure. Good for Arnie and glad you are getting over the crud

CHERI said...

Oh, I'm so envious!! I would love to go to France...would have been even better if I could have gone with friends when I was young:) I really want to go to Italy or Greece someday, but I doubt that's going to happen:( My hubby doesn't really care to travel overseas. Also, he says it would cost us a FORTUNE because I'd have to have one suitcase just for shoes!!! I'm sure your girl will have many, many adventures to share with you when she gets home!

Kathy said...

Hope your cold is better by now. I had one a few weeks ago after not having caught one in five years or so and I felt awful. I wish I could go to Paris. It would be a dream come true. Everything looks wonderful. Your granddaughter is so pretty!