Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Do You Remember What You Were Doing?

For some reason I felt I should write something about 9/11.  I ask the question "Do you remember what you were doing on that day?"  I'm sure many of us do remember.   Those times in life when tragedy strikes leaves impressions and feelings that just become part of  our forever memories.  We had just moved into this house on September 8th.  I was working 4 10hr shifts and had Tuesdays off.  It was the most beautiful day.  The sky was so brilliantly blue and the air was cool after a super hot weekend of moving. I was sitting in the kitchen with a friend from church when my daughter-in-law called and told me to turn on the TV because something was happening in New York City.   My friend, Gayle, and I had to go to our family room in the basement because it was the only TV we had hooked to cable.  We sat in total shock and watched what was happening, not really understanding how it could be happening.  Then the second plane hit and we knew our country was being attacked.  We knelt and prayed at the very moment.   My first thought was one of horror and I realized all the first responders will be running into those buildings.  I work in that atmosphere of feeling the need to do whatever you can to save somebody.   Yep, I will never forget the images of that day, how I felt, how the day looked and how I also felt for many months afterwards.   Today I again watched on TV the images and sounds of that day.  We now have faces and names attached to victims and also know the how and the why of the events.   It's been 17 years.   For the families who lost loved ones, it probably feels like it could have been today.  They will never forget.  We must not forget either.  That's all I wanted to say today.   Let's not forget.  God bless America.



joeh said...

We thought the first plane was a little tourist plane that had trouble (happened years ago to the Empire State Building), then saw the second hit while having coffee in our building in Jersey City. Knew then i just lost some friends.

Watching the buildings fall was like being in a horror movie...worst day of my life.

betty said...

We will never forget. And we need to keep praying for our country.

My son was watching TV before school, eating his breakfast in front of it. I was getting things ready when he told me to come into the living room. I saw the image of the plane hitting the tower and I thought he was watching a movie. When I asked him, he said it was something that just happened and I sat down and just couldn't believe it when I started realizing what had happened. My sister and her family live int he DC area. Her children were in elementary school at the time. She said they were so terrified because the only planes they heard for a bit afterward were the fighter planes and they were afraid if something else happened they could be in danger. We were in Montana at the time and although miles away from any of the tragedies I just couldn't get the images out of my head for a long time. Everyone was putting out their flags the next day, etc.

Prayed for the families today. Its something I don't think anyone will ever get over.


Shady Del Knight said...

I was vacuuming the house that morning, YaYa, when suddenly something inside told me to turn off the machine and turn on the TV. Back then I watched NBC's Today show and that's where the dial was set. Like you I sat there watching the rest of the day in astonishment and horror, not comprehending the full extent of what was happening. Let us remember how united America was in the few months that followed the terror attacks. We set aside our differences and came together as one nation indivisible.

CHERI said...

On 9/11 one of my former 2nd grade students (who is now a teacher himself) posted on facebook how he remembered that infamous day. He said I had stopped into another teacher's room on the way back from lunch and then left the room crying. He was wondering what was wrong. We teachers didn't want to scare the kids so we didn't share at the time what was going on. I remember going back and forth to this teacher's classroom because he had a TV and no students that day. I still didn't realize until I got home and watched the news just how bad things really were. It still makes me so sad when I see the reruns of it. I pray for our country often. Sure wish every citizen would come together in love and peace because we never know when this terrible event might happen again.