Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday Mishap

What not to do with a cast iron dutch oven...Sunday I was preparing a roast in my dutch oven and when I took it out and took the lid off, the handle flipped back and...well, it was Sunday after all and being pretty much a non-swearing gal I kept it to a loud...jeezzz!!!! ouch!!!!....and a little "dang"...and lots of ice. This is the result after a few days. I go back to work Thursday and can hardly wait to scrub and put alcohol foam on it and then keep it in gloves all day. This should be interesting.


Susan Anderson said...

Ouch! That does not sound good. And neither does having to keep it in gloves all day long.

(Sounds like your culinary mishaps may even rival mine!) But I suspect I am still on top in that regard...


PoetessWug said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh Yeah! That will definitely be interesting! Not to mention the sweatiness and pulling and having people grabbing it all day...cause you know that's going to happen, right?! You might as well put a sign on it that says: "I'm wounded...right here...jab it!!" ^_^

Karen Whittal said...

It always amazes me how we are miles apart, and have the same things with different names, what you call a "Dutch Oven" we call a "Pootjie Pot" and what you guys call "ouch" we call "eina"hope your hand is feeling better.

Rose said...

bad looking Boo Booy get better and watch that dutch oven.